>Your heart beats fast in your chest; its fervor causing sweat to form across your brow and face. >You idly stroke your Princess' ethereal mane as it wafts in the room, even amidst the breeze-less royal bedchamber. >Busying a hand with her locks had become somewhat of a habit when you were nervous. >A habit that the ever-vigilant Luna had picked up over your time together. >"What plagues thee, dear Anon?" she coos as your hand traces thin strands of infinity. >You tense up and find yourself moving your hand to scratch between her ears. >Her favorite spot. >She whinnies softly and nuzzles against your neck, her eyes meeting your own. >"Flattery will get thee nowhere," she smiles. >As you gaze lovingly into your mare's beautiful azure orbs, your heart's erratic rhythm begins to quell itself and you can't help but smile back. >You take a deep breath and place a hand on her navy blue hoof. "Luna, my dear. Tonight I would like to... to..." >You tighten your grip on her leg, your words having trouble finding their mark. >"Yes, Anonymous?" she tilts her head ever so slightly. "to try... pegging..." >You glance back towards your alicorn lover. >At first she seems confused, but right away you begin to make out a purple blush making its way dutifully across her muzzle. >"We... err... I... have never performed such an act." She rubs one forehoof along the backside of the other and looks away. >Your heart sinks in your chest. "I understand if you don't want to-" >Luna quickly silences you by pressing her lips to yours. "But if it is something our most precious subject desires, we... I... would be most delighted to attempt it." >She nuzzles you again. "If thou thinkest we are appropriate for the task." >You turn to her and lock lips passionately. "I couldn't think of a better mare." >Luna trots off to raid her sister's 'toy room' while you physically prepare the bed and mentally prepare yourself. >As she re-enters the room, you take notice of the moderately sized strap-on she has selected. >Solid black. A good selection for the formality of a first time. >Thick but manageable. Probably a little on the smaller side for what ponykind, or alicorns for that matter, were used to. >Angled down ever so slightly and flared at the tip. >You wince a bit. Probably should have realized that horse dildos would be shaped like horse cocks... >Your color must flush a bit because Luna trots over with a concerned look. >"Have we selected poorly, dearest Anon?" She rears up so that you can get a better look at the toy up close. >You press one hand to her thinly-coated underbelly and reach out with the other to rub the head of the strap-on. >The silicon is smooth in your grip, but due to the lack of lubricant, your hand rubs with hitched movement. >Your eyes are transfixed on the toy. >Luna, with royal insight, nudges your shoulder lovingly. "Our... 'tool' will require lubrication." >You simply nod and lower your mouth down to the dildo. >With trepidation, you lick gingerly along Luna's shaft. >After a few moments, a deep blue aura begins to emanate from the toy and you hear Luna start to make soft whimpering sounds. >Looking up, you lock eyes with Luna and before you can even ask, you have your answer. >"We have... uhnf... cast a spell so that we might feel the same sensations as though we were to truly possess such an... instrument..." >You grin and get back to your task at hand. >You drag your tongue along the head of Luna's member, nipping and sucking at the area where it flares up. >This elicits a squeal and a wiggle from your night goddess. >Slowly, you open your jaw as wide as you can and cautiously slide Luna's black molded cock into your mouth. >You can feel your jaw muscles tighten as the head pushes its way deeper down your throat and your whole mouth starts to feel warm. >Luna braes and unfurls her wings with a shiver. "Thou art... quite skilled, Anonymous..." >While still encapsulated in your warm mouth, you drag your tongue delicately along Luna's faux urethra. >Her hips buck tenderly and you feel her head shoot up into the air. >You bring your own head back only to plunge back down onto Luna's shaft, repeating the action several times. >Luna moans and tenses up, feeling your every inch of purchase. >On your last downswing, you daintily caress Luna's silicon testicles. >Her hind hoof stomps the ground and your petite princess pulls you into another passionate kiss, much sloppier than the previous one. >When you break the kiss, you notice her smirk and you catch the telltale glint of lust in in her dazzling eyes. "Anon, we are most ready for our debut." >You nod again silently and remove your clothing, your own member throbbing and aching for fresh air. >The coolness of the room causes your manhood to swell all the more and you climb onto the bed on all fours. "Luna, you have to be careful. I haven't really ever done this bef- oooh!" >You feel a warm, wet sensation press against your puckered ass. >Looking back, you see that Luna's horn is again glowing blue, and so is part of your backside. >It feels as though there is a thin little finger covered in liquid velvet lightly working its way into your rear. >Initially, your muscles reject this new-found intruder, but the way the aura's magic pulses and lubricates quickly puts the tension at rest. >You let a hushed moan escape as the magic finger slides its way deeper into your hole. >You instinctively grasp at the bed sheets as the finger twists and worms it's way around your colon expertly. >You feel a heat overcome your body as it is racked with never-before-experienced sensations. >Your strength gives out and you momentarily collapse onto the soft bed. >Luna takes this opportunity to introduce another magical appendage into your rectum. >It joins the first and the two digits dance elegantly within you, sliding along your slick organ walls as well as gingerly spreading your asshole apart. >You are forced prone by the sensations, unable to muster enough strength to lift yourself. >As such, your erection prods hopelessly into Luna's satin, crescent moon bed sheets, even furthering your pleasure. >You open your mouth, letting out a hearty groan and your hips buck ever so slightly, trying to fill a hole that does not exist. >You feel your weight shift several times as Luna crawls onto the bed to join you, never for a moment relenting on the magic active inside you. >You feel her hot breath barrel out of her nose as she leans down to send a long lick along your crack. >She stops to slip it into your relaxed entrance, its length allowing it to reach depths comparable to those of the magic digits. >Its sudden warmth causes you to moan out and grasp Luna's mane, pulling her muzzle closer to your pulsing hole. >She makes a soft muffled protest but resolves to trace your insides a few more times before withdrawing. >Her forehooves fall to either side of your head as she straddles you, using her magic to tap her head against your awaiting orifice. >"We believe that we are ready, dearest Anon." >Again you nod, readjusting to your former doggy position. >The next chime of magic signals the exodus of Luna's worm-like aura from your colon. >The sensation of their squirming away wells up inside of your abdomen and causes your breathing to hitch. >Just as they are about to make their way out, your cavern is met with a feeling of sudden fullness. >Luna presses the head of her stallion cock into your opening, causing it to stretch in an attempt to accommodate for the flare. >You simultaneously draw the bed sheets close to you and let out a howl of mixed pleasure and pain while Luna's wings flap several times as she gasps. >Your muscles contract to drive out the foreign object within you. >The action proves to be fruitless as Luna has expertly driven the swelled head into you. >Your asshole sends warm, yet dulled signals of pain to your brain as it confusedly tightens and dilates around Luna's black rod. >The both of you simply lie there for a moment, basking in your accomplishment and allowing your bodies to adapt. >Luna is the first to move, pressing her length even deeper into your well-lubricated hole. >You feel another tightness in your gut, exacerbated by Luna's head marching slowly deeper into you. >Your own cock is rock hard, pointing steady at nothing in particular on your lover's bed. "L-Luna. Wait... I want to see your face..." >Gathering up all the strength you can, you flip yourself onto your back, keeping the toy inside all the while lest you have to suffer getting it pressed back in. >Luna seems to take note of your situation, as another faint chime of magic rings out and you feel another sensation overcome you. >The moist heat of the inside of a mouth envelops your erect member and causes your tongue to hang out of your mouth. >Luna presses herself down against you and pulls you into another kiss. >She also seizes this chance to begin thrusting into you, slowly at first, but gradually building speed. >She moans louder and louder as she pistons her slippery black cock in and out of your pining rectum. >You feel the flare of her cock push and pull against your insides, almost threatening to displace them. >Her movements, combined with the magical oral you're receiving and her cries of pleasure quickly bring you to the edge. "Luna, I'm going to..." >"We as well, Anonymous..." >Luna removes her stallion dick with a wet -shlorp-, the sensation of her tip's extrication bringing you to climax. >You cry out, cumming in thick, gooey spurts along your chest and stomach, panting and reeling from the feeling of your stretched orifice. >Your asshole contracts meekly and you feel a cool air rush to meet your exposed insides, causing you to send a few lagging globs of sperm to your pelvis. >All the while, Luna has been whinnying and shivering, attempting to reach her own zenith. >You see her magic aura activate once more, this time surrounding the strap-on. >You watch as it strokes her shaft once, twice... >And with a third pulse, Luna too erupts in a torrent of spunk, sending it across your face and hair. >You close your eyes and mouth in surprise and wait out the storm. >You feel the bed sink next to you and hear the sounds of an exhausted princess. >You wipe some of the goo away from your mouth. "I didn't know you would actually cum..." >Luna answers breathlessly, "Forgive us, Anonymous. We were not aware either." >You sigh and chuckle, licking some of her love juice from your lips. "Well, at least you taste good." >You snuggle up to the blue alicorn and prepare your consciousness to be whisked away by the rays of the rising sun. "Good morning, Luna." > > "We should do this again sometime." >"Most certainly."