Part 7 Trouble in the Neighborhood >A week later... >Your shoulder healed completely the morning after the party >You got into the habit of waking up at dawn to do an hour of PT >Fluttershy could not be a better hostess, although you wish you had more than eggs and fish as protein >You don't complain because you're in survival mode >Daily routine included showering after PT, heading down to Sweet Apple Acres and doing about 4 hours of work >There really wasn't much you could do, since you couldn't buck apples >Still appreciated whatever work they could come up with for you. It always was nice to earn a few bits every day >After work, go to Twilight Sparkle's library...tree..home..thing, and be studied >After that, hang out at Sugarcube Corner with the other 6 ponies >No drinking. Drinking brought up... unpleasant memory fragments... >All week, Twilight tried getting into your mind and "magic-ing" a rifle into existance >Yesterday was the first sucessful attempt. She pulled out a working M1 Garand and a clip of ammo >Not the M4 Carbine, but still >Fuck yeah >You can still wreck shit, and look classy doing it >Today she was supposed to work on replicating the ammo >You wake up with the sun about to rise >You vaguely recall a nightmare. The same nightmare that had been plaguing you since you found a regular sleep schedule >The first time was the night you had to be dragged back to the small bed in Fluttershy's cottage after you had one too many >The only thing you can recall was various memories trying to be remembered. Some quite violent. Some rather sad. Nothing was ever happy >Then you had a falling feeling, similar to when you first arrived in Equestria >Then you wake up >You haven't told Twilight or anyone >Secretly, you hope that these nightmares will help you remember your past life >Until then... Time for PT >90 Pushups >112 Situps >Half hour of run >Done >Shit's getting too easy, you consider the possibilities of making things harder >Shower time >Fucking shower is too small for you to stand normally >End of shower >You look at yourself in the mirror Looking good >Flex >Looking at your tattoos >On your right arm is the Senior Airman rank. Why is that? >No clue >On your left, a tattoo of a language you neither speak nor read >No fucking clue >Time to shave >Carefully you use knife. >Eh, even if you weren't home anymore didn't mean you could be out of AFI standards >Get dressed in your ABUs >Fuck, gotta get better walking around clothes >You don't want to walk around in your flight suit because you felt less like a soldier in it without a jet to fly >Attaching your KA-BAR knife to your belt, you take care to also put on your M9 holster >Never can be too careful >Can't wait to get that M1 from Twilight. You left it with her so she could study it more. >Downstairs, you hear breakfast happening >You go down and watch as Fluttershy feeds all her animals >Cute, but really, aren't these animals capable of feeding themselves? >"Oh, hi Anon. Want the usual for breakfast?" Yes, please. >It had come down to two slices of toast with butter and a large glass of water. Simple, quick, and light. >Happy to have an easy breakfast to make, she serves you breakfast with an adorable smile >You gotta find a way to make it up to her, maybe you could build her a better fence or something >As you finish your "meal," you say a rather hasty thanks and move on out >Heading out the door, you almost run into Twilight Sparkle >Unusual Hey, Twilight, I was just heading to help AJ at the farm- >"They said you could use a break today" she says as she smiles >Unusual of her to interrupt you, but hey, she must be excited to have a full day of studying you >And to be honest, you felt like it was pity work. You'd never take money you never earned, but you still have your pride >And you'd rather make a living doing something you were skilled at >Apples just weren't your thing. You liked them, but you're no farmer, let alone an apple farmer... >Is that even the correct terminology? >Fuck it >Walking towards town Alright Twilight, what are we going to do today then? All this time and only one thing on the agenda. >"Well Anon, we could always talk more about your culture, or better yet, your personal life!" >You noticed how chummy you had gotten with Twilight Sparkle >Then you realized you had gotten that way with pretty much all of them. You had 6 friends. Six. >Since when did you get so popular >You laugh it off Always about my personal life. Why can't we talk about yours once in a while? >She turns her head and... is that a blush? Na, can't be. She's faking me out >She then gives you an "Oh you" face, and the both of you laugh >You fucking called it. >But there was something else on her face... >Just your imagination >As you walk into town, you feel something missing >There's a lack of ponies here... >Oh shit, no really, the streets are empty Uh, Twilight, is there some sort of holiday going on today? >"Not to my knowledge, Anon." >The two of you walk further into town >Tumbleweeds >You feel uneasy >As you approach Sugarcube Corner, a familiar pink head pops out >In a loud whipser, Pinkie Pie says "COME INSIDE QUICK!" >"Pinkie, what's going on he-" Twilight, I think you should listen to her >"But Anon, what about you?" >You pick her up and set her down inside gently Pinkie, what's the problem? >Her eyes are bulging out of herOHGODHOWDOESEYESWORK >"DIAMONDDOGS!" >Dogs? >Fucking really? >The shit you've put up with before >You rush out of the bakery, intent on getting this over with >You hear Twilight and Pinkie both plead with you to go back inside >You were trained as a soldier, you're not about to run away from a threat, real or perceived >Nevertheless, you make sure to stick to corners, being as covert as you can >You fought the urge to pull out your weapons >You really didn't like the idea of putting dogs down >Hell, you grew up with a couple dogs as pets >Right brain? >Yeah dawg, that aight >.... >What? >Your vernacular is different. Quit it >Just a joke man > >FUCKING FUNNY MAN >Chill out >So, it's ok for you to make jokes, but not me? >Yup. I'm the brain. You don't have a choice >Fuck you >You halt as you hear footsteps. Hugging a wall, you slowly turn the corner... >And find three dogs. Walking on their hind legs. >And you thought you'd seen it all >They only resembled dogs in the loosest sense of the word >Still, you figured you shouldn't kill them...yet. Let's see if they're as terrifying as the town thinks >You listen in on the conversation >Big ugly of the group: "..and then the boss tells me, 'WE NEED MORE PONIES!" >Small ugly: "What better a place than Ponyville for Ponies?" >Medium ugly: "Indeed! We'll have enough slaves here to mine the mines dry! COME ON OUT PONIES!" >Good God, their voices are nearly unbearable >And they're stupid >Though they were all different sizes, the smallest one came up to about pony height, whereas the two bigger ones came closer to your height >You don't have any desire to listen to anymore of their stupid chatter, and you step out of the corner and into the street You know, the one thing I can't stand is your fucking voices. >They stop, and look at you with contempt Get the hell out of my town >It's apparent that they don't know what you are, but they also will be damned if they let anything stop them >"who's going to make us? You?" They laugh Yeah. Me. Last chance to get out. >You stare at them >They stare at you > >They come right at you >Big ugly comes into spitting range first, about to crash into you. >You sidestep and throw your right at him, hitting his stomach. >The combined force of his sprint towards you plus your thrust puts him on the ground >The other two slow down, seeing what happened to Big ugly >You jump onto medium ugly and, grabbing his head with your left, ram it into the ground, face-first >Not content with the THUMP sound, you punch the back of his head a few times >His body goes limp. Still breathing though. Good, just knocked the fuck out >Small ugly jumps on your back and pulls you off Medium ugly >He's actually hitting you pretty hard in your spine >It's actually starting to hurt >You quickly stand and jump onto your back >He doesn't realize what's going on until it's too late >Under your weight, he's easily crushed and lets go >Damnit, he's still breathing. These dogs were starting to piss you off >You look around >Two dogs... Wait, where's Big ug- >GOOOSH >Punches you in the jaw, sending you flying >Land on the ground, hearing laughter >Laughter dies when you get up, not rubbing your (starting to swell) jaw >You walk to him, taking your time, watching his dread as he starts to back up I warned you to get out of here >Without warning, you sprint to him and bring a foot to his stomach >He bends over, and you grab his head >Hi dog face, meet my knee >His nose bleeds over your BDU trousers >Sigh Do you know how long it takes to clean blood off these? >Elbow his head into the ground >Look around >The other two dogs are nowhere to be se- >Oh, they're running away, apparently not knocked out >Big ugly gets up, and follows suit, apparently thinking it wasn't such a good idea to fight with you >No one messes with you >Not anymore >Wait brain, where'd that come from? >Uh...I don't know, play the music! > >No one comes out >You don't blame them >Nonchalantly, you walk over to Sugarcube Corner and open the doors >...Or rather try... They've been bolted down or something >You knock >Hear nervous shuffling Hey, it's me! Open up! >Loud noises ensue... Furniture being moved? Meh, whatever >Pinkie opens the door and is about to pull you in, when see sees the blood on your uniform >"What happened????" I told them kindly to go back home. They decided they wanted to wrestle, and I showed them a thing or two about the sport. >Twilight comes over, and looks at you with awe >"Who's blood...?" Don't worry, it's not mine. >"You didn't...did you?" Of course not. I let them off with a warning >Relief pours over her face >"Alright everypony, it's safe to come out!" >Slowly, doors open and heads pop out. >Cautiously, ponies walk out of their homes, and they go about their business like nothing happened >There's a lack of staring at you. It's almost like you're starting to be accepted into this small pony community >Feels...kinda good >"What was that Anon?" Twilight asks >Huh? >Oh, right That was just a little close-quarters combat. >"Impressive..." Not really. Just simple Krav Maga, I didn't even try that hard. Honestly, that fight wasn't a big deal >"Hopefully you won't have to do that again." Hopefully not >But you weren't optimistic about that. You reason that if Ponyville could've been taken over by three dogs >Diamond Dogs >Yeah, that's what I said >..taken over by three diamond dogs, you might have to pick up security for the town >Lightbulb >You think you may have found another job...