"Well thank you for that consideration asshole. How many of us got one of those things?" Raptor asked. "Well, I'm going to say the phrase, do the opposite of what I say. Punch your neighbor in the face, would you kindly?" You say as nothing happens. "Less than you all think." You say knowing that only three or four of them have the override. "Well, that's a relief. But what are we going to do about T-50?" Echo asks. "That's just it. we have two possible actions, bait him into a trap, or and this is a new thought, I challenge him to a dogfight, though I may lack wings, I know someone who'd let me borrow theirs." You say as you glance at Morgan. "Who'd dare go up against that cheat?" Lightning asked. "Someone who knows how to beat a cheater at his own game." Morgan said as she looks to you for approval. "If it is your choice Morgan, I will fly you into battle, to bring down this coward." You say giving her a choice. "I can take him alone, but I want you with me" Morgan said showing a bit of overconfidence. "You mean We can take him alone Morgan. Anyone going to tell us different?" You ask the group as they're mostly shocked with the plan. "You two really think you can beat the cheat?" "Of course. With me in command of Morgan there's really not much of anything he can do to her. Let alone me. So is this the plan we're going with?" You ask again You were met with a resounding yes "Good, Morgan and I will be practicing for a couple of days then challenge him." You say as they begin to depart. "Dad, you're sure we can take him down right?" Morgan asked a little frightened. "Of course we can. If you let me fly you, I'll bring him down before he even knows how dangerous you truly are. I may be depriving you of two weapons at the moment but you will have them both when we fight." You say knowing you can make at least one of the two weapons. Lasers are easy it's the unstable MPBM thats going to be a pain. "Well, it's just I uh, don't know how to fly." Morgan said "Well, I can fix that. I'm going to go home and get into the total immersion connection. Thunderbolt, you need to make sure nobody interrupts the connection. Morgan just wait here, I'll teach you how to fly." You say as Thunderbolt carries you home quickly so you can get ready to show Morgan what she's capable of. "Are you sure you two can take him down?" Thunderbolt asks. "Yea, I'm certain we can. When I get into the connection tank, I need you to keep everyone out, but be outside and watch Morgan, I'll be in full control of her for a while, I can control her and her ability remotely, so long as our connection isn't broken." You say as Thunderbolt is rather nervous about you doing this. "Don't worry, I've been testing this. It'll work just fine.I was testing these before I got slated to fly a Morgan." You say as she's still uncertain of your decision. "Well don't get hurt either of you." Thunderbolt said as you walked down to your basement and boot up the connection. "Morgan, can you hear me?" You ask as you sit in the tank, still prior to making the full connection. "I can hear you. What do you want me to do?" "Wait for a second. I'll be making a connection to you, I'll be seeing through your eyes, and have control of your body, don't worry, I'll let you have control mostly I'm just going to be here to correct." You say as you lie down and close the tank above you. You close your eyes, and when you open them again, you're in your hangar, and you're slightly not in control of your actions. "Morgan, give me control, I need to make an operational check, I'll override you if you don't" You say, but you hear it in Morgan's voice not yours. "What did you do dad?" Morgan asked as you look around and move about a bit as Morgan. "I've connected you to me, I'm going hands off controls, you can walk out to the runway." You say as she takes control again and walks to the runway, you can feel every movement she makes, and it's bizarre moving and seeing through Morgan. "Morgan, just think your responses to me, don't say them aloud. Now go ahead and start down the runway, build up speed until you start to lift off." You say, but really just thought so her mouth didn't move. "Right, think don't say. So run until I lift up?" "Yea, just don't forget to add power on your turbines, if you forget something I'll correct it for you." You say as you feel yourself nod as she now runs and builds up enough speed to lift off into the air and adds enough throttle to maintain her climb. "Thatta girl! We're up in the air now." You say as she continues her climb at about 2000 fpm. Her flight characteristics are just as smooth as they appeared from the computer simulations, and this to you almost seems like a simulation, if it weren't for your senses being overridden with hers. "Dad, since we're up at about 15,000 feet, is there anything I should know?" Morgan thought asking you a question. "Well, do you want to feel what you're truly capable of?" You ask both a question of if she'll let you take control and if she wants to see how maneuverable she is in the sky. "Yes. I would love to." Morgan said "Then let me take control sweetie." You say as you wait for the level flight feeling. "Alright dad, show me what I can do." Morgan said as you purposely waggle her wings as a check. "Alright I've got control, so, let's show you what you can do." You say as you pull her into a Pugachev's cobra before pulling a hard turn to head back towards the airfield. "I can turn pretty hard can't I?" "Yea you can, but hard turns aren't all that you can do." You say as the two of you move into a Kulbit, over the airfield before going into a fast climb at 75% power. You know she's not an airplane and you listen to her breathing to gauge how tired she is. She shows you no signs of slowing down. "Alright Morgan it's your turn to fly around, experiment with moves, I'll correct you if you spin out or lose control" You say reinforcing that for her. Morgan's skills are far beyond yours. She is pulling half kulbits for near instantaneous turn arounds, and using the cobra maneuver to change her altitude. Things you could only dream of doing as a pilot, but as she's flying, she's also teaching you her limits, so you know the edge of how much she can do. "Morgan, you're amazing." You say "Well, I learned from the best. Good thing I have you to coach me now don't I?" Morgan said as she makes you smile. "Aw well, you're flying's much better than mine. You're doing things that I thought would never be achieved." You say as she circles around the airbase. "Well, just because you thought they were impossible doesn't mean they are. Perhaps they just required a finer touch." Morgan said as you laugh knowing that she mean a female's, but you knew it was because she could control her flight surfaces to a near microscopic level of finesse. "Well I think it's because you're so damned precise." You say as your combined vision flashes with a radar hit. "Shall we surprise?" Morgan asks "Of course. Let's go see who's up in the air." You say as she allows you to take control. Her forward swept wings allow you make an incredibly sharp bank to head towards the radar contact, leaving sharp white contrails in the sky from your wingtips. "Oh great, new pony. What you want?" T-50 said as the two of you got close enough for visual confirmation. "Just seeing who's flying around." You both say as you attempt the half kulbit to change directions back to the base. You somehow manage to make the half kulbit and point her tail at T-50 before increasing speed and flying away to approach pattern. "Dad, is this a missile warning?" Morgan asked as there was an incredibly irritating beep filling your ears. "Yea, but Morganite is on, so no worries." You say as the missile detonates 30 feet behind you. "Impossible! Glorious soviet missile should have torn through you!" T-50 screams at you as he bursts by at super sonic speeds. "Morgan, do you at least have your gun loaded?" You ask. "Got more than just guns dad. I've got AIM-9Xs." Morgan says as you just laugh as the two of you got the highly maneuverable AIM-9s. "Great, let's go shoot back at the fuck face." You say as Morgan accelerates to mach 2.2, well below her max speed of 2.7 "Right, let's teach him a lesson." Morgan said as she released a couple missiles before passing above T-50, knocking him around with her shock wave. "What in fuck bitch! Trying to kill me?" T-50 yells as he recovers to find two missiles on his ass. "You fired first. This is retaliation." Morgan yells out as he is now in avoid mode dropping flares and trying to out maneuver the missiles. "Dad, is he going to crash?" "Does it matter Morgan?" "Not really. He is a pain." Morgan said as you laugh a little as she enters the approach pattern to land. "Good if he crashes then oh well. You and I needed to push his buttons anyways." You say as you let her land, but kept on the controls incase she needed a quick adjustment. "There you go, there's your first flight. Not bad if I do say so myself. Morgan, you really didn't need my instructions." You say as you walk to your hangar. "Well, could you get out of my body?" "Right, just as soon as you come inside, I'll cut the connection." You say as you close your eyes and open them again in the immersion tank to see her vision on the screens before you. "Link is mostly cut. You're in control of you. Just talking by radio now." You say as you see your hangar in her vision and fully terminate the full link. Your body aches in new ways as you climb from the tank, sore and more than pleased that Morgan could beat the hell out of T-50 when the time came. "Morgan, sorry I know you're probably not terribly happy about the whole I'm overriding you piloting." You say as she frowns at you "Dad, let me say something about that." She says as you now go into concerned parent mode. "Morgan, I really hope I didn't offend you or anything. But yes, please tell me what's on your mind." You say as the frown now turns into her normal smile. "Thanks. I just wanted to say that I really like having you guide me, it's like having a guardian angel on my shoulders. Yea, I may not like the fact that you're fully controlling me at some points, but I'm glad you can. I mean you know how I fly better than anyone else. Dad, I just hope I didn't upset you when I told you to get out of my body." Morgan said as she laid down and got a little upset. "Technically I was only in your head, but to tell you the truth, it was really weird for me to be controlling you like that. I was expecting partial control on the ground and full in the air. Instead I got total control, I had you walk because I know I would look really clumsy and embarrass you." You say as you go and wipe the tears. She giggles a little, and you're now relieved that she's ok. "Let's go grab something to eat." You say as Thunderbolt walks in as you two are about to leave. "Going to go grab some chow, care to join Thunder?" You say as Morgan slides you onto her back. "So long as you're paying Anon." Thunderbolt says making you laugh 1900 hrs. Edge of Space. The atmosphere of the bar is pretty light hearted like usual. You, Morgan and Thunderbolt are enjoying your dinner in a booth off to the side as Sasha is teaching Lightning to dance like a Russian. You and Morgan laugh at Raptor's rage of seeing Lightning dancing with Sasha. "I'm tellin ya KC, that little Morgan's awful scary, T-50 shot a missile at her, and she kept flyin like it wasn't there. it just exploded behind her." Sully said as he must have been in the area to see it.