Formula 1 Anon In Equestria Chapter 21

>Saturday night. The eve of the Fillydelphia Grand Prix.
>The three of you have returned to the hotel to rest up. Got a big day tomorrow.
>Twilight is already asleep, Rainbow is most likely reading a book, and you are lying in bed watching television.
>For most of the night, you've been contemplating how tomorrow might turn out.
>If you manage to pull the victory out of your ass, the World Drivers Championship is yours. So is 200,000 bits for everyone in the team.
>Wonderbolts Racing plans to make achieving that win as difficult as possible though. Spitfires performance today was just absolutely fucking...
>Well, there's no other way to describe it. She kicked ass out there.
>The EBC sport channel hasn't stopped talking about her all night. Spitfire this and Spitfire that. And yes, the "fire/water" jokes have already been overdone.
>Noticing the time at the bottom left of the tv screen, 10:35, you switch the television off. Need to get as much rest as possible. So you flip over onto your side and get real comfortable. The soft support of the mattress drawing you into a nice, deep sleep.
>*knock knock*
>Oh for fucks sake.
"Who is it and what do you want?"
>Peeking through the door of your bedroom, the individual disrupting your rest replies:
>RD: "It's me. I cant sleep."
>You exhale as you situate yourself to a seated position in the bed.
"And? Why is this my problem? We've got a Grand Prix tomorrow you know."
>RD: "No shit asshole." She exclaims with a slight raised voice. "Can I please just come in here for a minute?"
>That was a sharp reaction.
>Taking a closer look at her as she walks in, you notice her ruffled mane and baggy eyes. Tell tale signs of restlessness in bed.
>Your mood goes from annoyed to concerned quick.
"Are you ok Rainbow?"
>RD: "Can we talk?"
"Yeah, come on up" You say patting the area next to you.
>Slowly she climbs upon the bed, taking a seat to your right.
>RD: "Anon?"
>With a slight waver to her voice, she asks: "Do you ever get scared? Out on the track?"
"Uh. Yes. Yes I do. More often than you would think. Why? What's wrong?"
>Dash exhales as she says: "...You remember that flip I had during pre-season testing, right?"
"Yeah. You came out of it ok though."
>RD: "That's what I thought too, and later on that day when my replacement car arrived, I went back out there no problem. But that night."
>Dash puts her hooves to her head, rubbing her eyes.
>RD: "I had this dream. A nightmare. I woke up screaming in my hotel room at 3 in the morning shaking and covered in sweat."
"Is this why you wanted to come in here?"
>RD: "Yeah..."
"Did you have another one?"
RD: "mm hmm."
"What happened?" you say in a more serious tone.
>Dash exhales, then continues on.
>RD: "Well, I was at this random track in a Grand Prix, and I was in last place. A huge group of cars were ahead of me, and they were going a lot slower than usual."
>Already, you can kind of tell where this is going. This is sounding very similar to one you've had before.
>RD: "Anyway, they were making it really hard to pass. I got a good run on one of them after a chicane so I tried to get by him. But he blocked me at the last second and I couldn't react in time. so, I ran into the back of his car. "
>You begin to notice signs of fear etched on her face.
>RD: "I went in the air and everything turned upside down. Then I hit the ground -hard- and just kept flipping over and over and over."
>She takes a second to breathe. Her wavering voice more obvious.
>RD: "When I finally stopped, the top of my car was leaning against the wall. I was pinned in, I couldn't move."
>The room is silent for a few seconds. All of your attention is focused on Rainbow. Tears start to form under her eyes as she continues.
>RD: "Then... I felt something pouring all over me. I looked around and... I was covered in fuel..."
>Oh god. Not that nightmare.
>RD: "the next thing I knew, the car just... ex..."
>Her eyes are wide, tears flowing, hooves shaking. Her blue coat a few shades paler than normal. That flip fucked her mentality up bad.
>Without hesitation you bring Rainbow into a tight hug, surprising her. She cant help but to give out a soft yelp.
>Slowly, she starts to return the hug, sobbing softly into your shoulder.
>RD: *inhale* "It was so real..."
"Rainbow. Its alright. It's over."
>Those words set it off, she just lets everything go. Months of held up feelings pour outward into your arms.
>Keeping up a fearless attitude after a traumatic incident like that could only go on for so long, you guess.
>You've had the same exact dream before, and it fucked you up too. But nowhere near this bad.
>You sit there for several minutes as you comfort Rainbow in your embrace. Letting her get out everything shes been holding in.

>Eventually, Dash regains her composure. So you break the hold.
>RD: "Oh man. *sniff* Sorry about that."
"You have no need to be sorry. I know how you feel. I've had more than enough nightmares like the one you described. Some even worse."
>RD: "Really?"
"I've been racing since I was 4 Rainbow. Yes, really."
>RD: "Yeah. Gotcha."
>She then turns to you with a hoof pointed at your face.
>RD: "Not a word to anyone about this. Got it? I've got a reputation to hold up."
"Lips are sealed."
>RD: "Good."
>She lies down on her back.
"You feel better?"
>RD: "Yeah. A little."

>Suddenly, light bulb.

"Hang on."
>RD: "What?"
"Is this why you acted the way you did during the Baltimare Grand Prix?"
>RD: "To tell you the truth, yeah, that's exactly why. The thing was, I forgot to tell you what I wanted to tell you all day until we were strapped into the cars. That's also when the images from my dream came rushing back at me, when we were on the grid. Because of that, I panicked, and when I panic, I tend to blurt things out without thinking. That's why I said what I said, when I said it."
"Uh huh. That explains a lot."
>RD: "Yeah."
"Same thing at the train station?"
>RD: "Yep, panicked there too."
>That's why she was so damn blunt with her answer.

>A few moments of silence go by.

"Right, well. I hope this talk helped you out. You don't need to be scared on raceday."
>RD: "It has. Thank you Anon."
"No problem."
>Dash suddenly rises from her former position, and gets right up into your face.
>RD: "No, really. Thank you."
>You can tell were the fuck this is going.
>And it does go there. Your lips meet and stay there for a good few seconds.
>She then breaks away, turns to go back to her room, and says to you:
>RD: "I'll let you think about that. You've got a choice to make tomorrow remember?"
>Oh yeah. right. You knew that, because you fucking PLANNED to do that tomorrow. Except you were supposed to kiss her. Not the other way around.
>Eh, why wait. As she walks away you yell out:
"I was going to say yes anyway."
RD: "Fucking knew it." Is all you hear from the other room.
>Fucking Rainbow Dash.


>"*I'ts the last lap Anon. You need a fifth place finish if you want to retain the championship.*"
"*Yeah? Where am I now?*"
>Its go time then.
>With a little more than half a lap left you charge forward. Gotta make up two positions or a years worth of hard work earns you a second best.
>Taking a chicane the best you have all day, you gain tons of ground on the sixth place driver.
>Passing him is a cinch, and with the slipstream he gave you, the fifth place driver is coming up quick.
>You go on the inside to dive bomb him into the next corner.

>But he moves in front at the last second.
"Oh SHIT."


>You're back in your bed. Thankfully. Sitting instead of lying down now though.
"Holy shit." you say as you rest your head in your hands.
>You didn't fucking need that.
>Its the first time you've had a nightmare like that in a few years.
>Strange as well, it was eerily similar to the one Dash described.
>Just without the explody bit.
>Whatever, you've got a race to compete in and it's not going to wait for you.
>From the other room you hear Dash call out to you.
>RD: "Hey Anon. You up?"
"Yeah I'm up."
>Dash then pokes her head through your door.
>RD: "Good, Twilight and I are all ready to go. Hurry up."

>Within a span of 10 minutes, you're dressed and on your way to Fillydelphia Street Circuit.


>RA: "Look girls, there's the track."
>From the bridge going over the racing circuit, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell look in awe.
>CMC: "Oooooooooooh"
>PP: AHHHHH I'm so excited! I hope Anon or Dashie wins today.
>S: "Is that where we're going to be sitting over there?" she says, pointing to the stands to their left.
>AJ: "'Fraid not Scootaloo, We're sitting further down that way at the hairpin."
>There is an ounce of dissapointment on Scootaloo's face.
>S: "But that's the slowest part of the circuit."
>AJ: "They're going mighty quick when the come in from the straight though. It wont be as bad as you think Scoot."
>S: "I hope not."
>AB: "Cheer up Scootaloo, Rarity got us pit passes remember? You might see Rainbow Dash before she goes out."
>S: "Oh yeah!"
>And that's going to be their first stop, The paddock.

>About 10 minutes later, The entire group is standing in front of the garage doors of Cloudsdale Weather's stall.
>SB: "Do you see them anywhere in there?"
>AB: "Nope. They're probably not even here yet."
>AJ: "The race isn't for another 2 hours. They're probably still at the-"
>S: "There they are!" She exclaims as Twilight, Dash, and Anon enter through the back of the garage."


>TS: "Remember, both of you are starting mid pack. Need to be at the top of your game today guys."
>RD: "You act like I'm not always like that."
"Don't get cocky Dash."
>RD: "There is a difference between cockiness and confidence."
"Sure. Don't let all that confidence get to your head."
>Rainbow just rolls her eyes.
>TS: "Here we are, Lets get these cars ready.
>Twilight opens the door to your pit stall where your pit crew are getting the cars prepped for inspection.
>Another group notices your entrance and grabs your attention pretty quick.
>RD: "Hehe, Hey squirt!"
>You look over and see a familiar sight. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie along with Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Bell.
>TS: "Hey guys! You actually came again!"
>RA: "Wouldn't miss it for the world dear."
>AJ: "You got that right. Ever since the last race y'all were in, we were hooked. Little Applebloom here watched that race on TV and couldn't get enough of it."
>Applebloom nods furiously with a huge smile on her face. She does look excited as fuck to be here.
>RD: "Where's Fluttershy?"
>PP: "She said that after watching a replay of the last race on tv, she preferred that over actually being there."
>RA: "Something about how its much more pleasant. Guess she never did get used to how loud the cars are. Poor girl."
>That makes sense concerning her. Unfortunate that she cant get used to it.
>TS: "So where are you guys sitting?"
>AB: "The Hairpin!" she exclaims, jumping into the air.
"Nice, those are good seats."
>PP: "Yep, we're over on the side where you FLY into the turn. Like this."
>Sound effects and all, Pinkie recreates the action that the cars make at turn 10, her legs spinning in a circular fashion.
>As she passes by in a pink blur, a huge gust of wind nearly throws you and everyone else on your collective asses.
>Then as quickly as she started, she returns to her original position like nothing happened.
>PP: "See? It's going to be AWE-SOME!"
>TS: "Right..." she says as she resets her mane. "Well we need to get going. Vehicle inspection is in a few minutes."
"Have fun today guys."
>AJ: "Same to you, part."
>RA: "Oh, and please do be safe out there you two."

"Dont worry. We'll be fine."