23:36?Hazard?The field is wide open, a clearing in the skinny trees. Beside the gate, marked by two trees bent into an arch, is an enormous oak. Its trunk is over one hundred feet across. Windows and a door have been set into this tree, with at least three floors visible before the foliage cloaks the remaining wood. 23:37?Hazard?It is the early morning, and the smell of a nearby swamp drifts through the air. 23:37?Hazard?"Here we are, Sirius-sensei. Home-sweet-home!" 23:38?Carmine?Sirius steps onto the soft grass, admiring the large tree as he goes about trying to find his new pupil, his hooves leaving small imprints on the grass in his passing 23:38?Carmine?(Oh whoops) 23:38?Carmine?(Let me rewrite that) 23:40?Carmine?Sirius steps onto the soft grass, admiring the large tree as he walks towards it, his hooves leaving small imprints on the grass in his passing "It reminds me of the mistresses palace, only about a hundred times smaller" 23:40?Hazard?"The Mistress?" 23:42?Carmine?"Aye, my mistress is the one I protect along with her forest, she is the mother of the wilds and creator of the wild races" 23:43?Hazard?"I see. Mother earth? Gaia?" 23:44?Carmine?Sirius shakes his head "Her name is lost in time, however she chose me as her guardian and I shall do all in my power to uphold my station, to keep my honour and pride" 23:47?Hazard?"Hm. Well, where would you like to start? I know how to increase plant growth, and I've learned to make healing plants. I can shoot razor leafs, and my vines can transform into small creatures. What else could I do with this?" 23:49?Carmine?Sirius thinks for a bit "I shall show you how to make the plant I made in the tavern, it is a very useful little plant, mind you" 23:49?Hazard?"I felt stronger near it. Is that what it does?" 23:53?Carmine?"Aye, it invigourates the body and loosens muscles, allowing for easier flow of the muscular system and other internal processes" 23:54?Hazard?"Sounds good. How do I make it?" 23:56?Carmine?"It depends on the individual but lets start with how you create the healing flower, that will give us a good start on making it" 23:58?Hazard?One of the vines at her back arches over, its white flower depositing a seed in the tiny girl's hands. Mana begins to flow into the seedling. "Here, I've got the seed, and it's charged, but I haven't cast the spell to give it its power." 00:02?Carmine?"Think of it like your body is one big root system that is the strength of the plant, take that strength and put it into the plant itself, make it stand strong against the hardships of the world as the roots do" 00:02?Carmine?(Sorry if it sounds a bit hard to keep up with) 00:05?Hazard?She closes her eyes. The skimpy, tight-fitting clothing seems to ripple with tiny leaf tips. An opalescent red aura crackles off the leaf tips, pulsing through her and into her hands until the seed glows with the same light. 00:08?Carmine?Sirius studies her attempts "Stronger, young Hazard!" he encourages 00:11?Hazard?The pulses redouble, her wings snapping out into the air. The rainbow-red begins to arc down from her wings and into the golden rings of her gloves. 00:14?Carmine?Sirius studies the seed "I do not see growth! The roots must fuel the plant as well as anchor it!" 00:16?Hazard?She pushes the seed into the ground, and a crimson beam of light shoots up through the dirt and grass. A second later, a growth sprouts up from the ground. 00:17?Hazard?(BRB) 00:19?Carmine?"Good so far, but it must grow before you are finished!" Sirius trotts around Hazard and the plant, watching the young girl with a stern gaze that many others have felt on their backs in his lifetime 00:22?Hazard?The aura continues to pulse from her and into the plant as it grows further. A number of pink blossoms sprout and droop along the last third of the stem. After a moment, those blossoms glow with the same opalescent pink light. Snapdragons. 00:23?Carmine?Syrius bends down and studies them, lending out a hand to the plant to test it's effect 00:26?Hazard?The light swirls through the air, attracted to the satyr's hand. It seems to seep into his very pores. His muscles relax, but a stimulating tingle spark through them. 00:28?Carmine?"Very good, especially for a first attempt" he rises "You have passed the test to see if you are worthy of my teachings, congratulations young Hazard" 00:30?Hazard?She bounces happily into the air. "Yatta! Thank you, sir!" 00:33?Carmine?"You yield promise, young Hazard, your potential is great" he trods over to the home "Now I wish for you to grow a grove of them, as they say, practice makes perfect" 00:33?Hazard?"Immediately? Or is this something we will do over time?" 00:34?Hazard?Her tone is more of excitement. 00:34?Carmine?"Do you wish to get better?" he turns to her, cocking his head 00:35?Hazard?"To get better, of course. Does that mean it is an immediate thing?" 00:36?Hazard?Her flower-tipped vine arcs around, depositing a seed in her hand. 00:39?Carmine?"Then get going! I want you to be able to do this soon!" with a gesture vines sprout from the ground and twirl around a poor rabbit that happened to be there, trapping it in a tangle of vines as it squeels 00:41?Hazard?She slams her hand into the ground, and rainbow-red mana pulses through her and into the soft earth. Already, the flowered vine presents another seed, being johnny-on-the-spot with the ammo. 00:42?Hazard?She takes hold of the seed and repeats the gesture, even as the last seed begins sprouting into a new Snapdragon. 00:44?Carmine?"Now now, my pupil, mana conservation is key to our success, use too much and you are vulnerable, use too little and you aren't doing enough!" he gestures again and the vines unwrap themselves from the rabbit, that panickedly runs off into the bushes squeeling 00:46?Hazard?"Is there some way to regain mana quickly on the battlefield?" 00:51?Carmine?"Aye, though it relies on the ambient mana in our surroundings, and thus onto lesson two" he satyr trots back to where Hazard is 00:52?Hazard?The third seed sprouts into its own glowing snapdragon, as the green-clad tyke turns to her tutor. 00:55?Carmine?"We have casted four spells in total today, try sending your own mana out like roots and soaking in the leftover mana from the spells we have cast" 01:00?Hazard?She nods, reaching out her hands towards the ground without stooping to touch. The barest whisper of vocalization seeps past her lips, and a ripple of distortion pulses up her legs and into her body. The ripples grow in intensity, and a faint rainbow light seems to trail them. 01:01?Carmine?"Spread your roots farther! Grow them bigger! Soak in the mana needed to fuel your growth!" 01:04?Hazard?A ripple of energy passes from under Sirius, zipping past him and towards her. There is almost an undertow of energetic flow through the ground. Her vocalization becomes louder, a single, sustained note. 01:07?Hazard?The mana flows through her and into the space between her hands, a rainbow aura flowing into a rainbow star. She releases that star, and it slams into her chest. She gasps, and her singing stops. 01:10?Carmine?Sirius steps over, his long strides taking him to her side "Stop, take a rest" he squats beside her "You seem oddly used to this kind of training, was it like this with your former trainer?" 01:13?Hazard?"Yes. And it is not former. Hazard, are you intending to replace me?" A deep voice bursts out from the gateway, and a tiny, multi-tailed creature appears. It is cream colored, with its fur frosted with green at its tips. It has tiny albino eyes that are a bit too close together. 01:14?Hazard?"Vix!" The girl exclaims. "No, not at all. Just supplement. Vix, this is Sirius. Sirius, this is Vix, my puchuu." 01:15?Hazard?https://postimg.org/image/bw76awiz5/ 01:18?Carmine?The satyr raises, giving the small creature a little bow "As the little one said, I am Sirius and I am acting as a trainer to help her in the magical arts, I have no ulterior motives outside of that" 01:19?Hazard?The creature steps within a yard of the satyr. "Your magic is Plant and Beast type, is it not?" 01:20??*** SkinnyNecro joined #HazardsHollow 01:20?Carmine?"Aye, I am guardian of the eternal forest and personal body guard of the wild mother" 01:21?SkinnyNecro?[hi 01:21??*** SkinnyNecro left #HazardsHollow (Leaving) 01:23?Hazard?"I have little knowledge of the intricacies of this form of magic, and have focused primarily on combat training. Your expertise on this subject would vastly improve her limited combat potential. This is acceptable." 01:25?Carmine?"Very well, over ten thousand years of experience is going into this training, she will prosper as others have before her, I personally think even moreso than those before her" 01:27?Hazard?"She is an apt pupil, despite her weaknesses. Guardian Sirius, I will take this opportunity to attend to some matters. Continue." It turns around on the spot, walking into its many tails and vanishing among them. 01:28?Hazard?Hazard looks at the spot where the creature stood. "He... Likes you? That's interesting." 01:32?Carmine?"He recognises the importance of your growth, he would have to be a bad teacher not to recognise it, I sense experience from him, he may even be as long lived as me" 01:33?Hazard?"And how long is that, if it isn't rude to ask." 01:35?Carmine?The satyr looks at the little girl "I said before did I not? Over ten thousand years of experience is going into your training, personal experience that is" 01:42?Hazard?Her jaw drops open. "Well, in that case...Would you like to see your room while I practice these two spells?" 01:47?Carmine?The satyr nods "Very well, I should probably shift into the human form while I am here" as he says this he starts shrinking, his horns disappearing and his legs turning into human ones, fur receeds and eyes turn into normal human ones, eventually a 6' tall, muscular seventeen year old boy is standing before her in nothing but a loin cloth and a pauldron a bit too large for him strapped on his shoulder 01:56?Carmine?(Haz?) 01:57?Hazard?(Sorry, passing out.) She reaches up and takes his hand, leading him into the house tree. 01:58?Hazard?"It will be on the second floor. How do you feel about beds?"