Disaster Anon: The Potential Disaster of Hearts and Hooves Day >It’s Hearts and Hooves Day in Ponyville. >After the many occasions you’ve helped save Ponyville, it’s been natural to gain the affection of those around you. >Because of this, Hearts and Hooves Day has always been one of the most stressful days to deal with. >One miscommunication, one broken heart, and the entire town could fall apart in the process. >It’s happened before, and you won’t let it happen again. >To prevent this, you’ve spent the past two holidays hiding in the home of your loyal ally and your most trustworthy observationalist, Screwball. >You’re currently on her couch doing your sixteenth crossword puzzle (You need a six letter word for trap), as she periodically monitors the streets through the many hidden cameras in the monitor room you made out of her closet. You’ve been here for the past five hours. So how’s the library? >“There are currently seven letters in the mailbox, and three packages that Twilight’s taken. Also, Minty’s waiting for you at the door.” *uuugh* Why can’t these mares leave me alone? I can deal with Minty, but EVERY YEAR it’s the same with these ponies. >“To be fair, you are a borderline super hero. Everypony’s probably just grateful for your help, and really wants to show it to you.” Good point. I’m not risking anything though. Thank you for the update. >“No problem Mr. Anonymous. I’m always here for you.” >Your stomach gives a violent growl. I should’ve brought food before I came here. >“You really should’ve; I can hear your stomach from here. Let me find you something.” >Screwball leaves to her kitchen and quickly returns with a heart shaped box of chocolates in her teeth. >She spits it into your lap and tells you, >“Lucky Clover from down the street gave it as a gift, but I’m allergic to coconut.” >Potential danger has just been detected. … >“What?” I have to go. >“Is there something wrong?” I’m going to go out to eat. I’m in the mood for some gyros. >“But what if somepony tries something?” Goodbye Screwball. >You put down the book, calmly get up, and slowly walk to the door. >“Anon?” >You slowly close the door and once it finally closes, you turn ready to run. >You’re planning on heading to your second safe haven in Zecora’s hut, but immediately once you exit, Apple Dumpling appears and plops a cowboy hat on your head. >“I hope you like the hat. It’s for saving me when the barn caught on fire yesterday.” Thank you, but if you’ll excuse me- >“What were you doing at that crazy pony’s house.” She’s not crazy, and it’s not your concern. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go get some gyros. I’m starving. >“At 'Spiro’s Gyros'? That food’ll kill ya. Why don’t you come to mah house for a homemade meal instead?” >Threat level has increased. No thank you. >You begin to walk away, but she’s following you. >“Ah have apples if you like? Lots of apples.” >You gradually pick up the pace until you find myself dashing through the streets as if being chased by a stray mutt. >Golden Harvest begins to run by your side. >“Did I ever thank you for stopping those Flutter Ponies from eating my crops?” >Things are derailing, this is going to get really bad; you can tell. >If you run back home, I’ll have to deal with Minty, and if you keep running you’ll attract more- >Pinkie: “HEY ANON!” >-ponies. >“I can’t remember the last time I saw you playing with somepony Anon?” >You cut into an alley and knock over some trash cans, but they jump the garbage as if it’s nothing. Pinkie this isn’t the time or the place for you antics right now, I need to get away from these mares, A.S.A.P. >“So you’re playing tag?” Pinkie pls. I just want to get out of Ponyville, and right now I have… >You take a look back. …six ponies after me. >You duck as Cloudchaser swoops in for a hug. > “Where are you hiding?” I’m heading to Zecora’s since most don’t know where she lives. >“I’ll come with you.” NO YOU WON’T! >She mockingly sings. >“Yooou---won’t---stop---meee!” >She gives a massive smile knowing that you won’t. *sigh* FINE. >After a lengthy run, you and Pinkie finally make it into the Everfree forest and lose the ponies as they are too coward to follow. >“That was so much fun.” Pinkie go home. >“No.” UUUGH. >After walking through the winding trees, you two finally make it to Zecora’s home. >*knock knock* Zecora, it’s Anon. >You open the door. I hope you don’t mind me… >All of the candles are out, and there is no indication that Zecora is around. >“Maybe Zecora’s off with her own special somepony.” Yeah right. Zecora’s not exactly the social type. I’m sure she’ll be here any minute. >“So you’re just going to wait until she gets back?” It isn’t like I have any choice. >You stomachs practically barking at you with a demand to satisfy it. >Zecora probably wouldn’t mind if you took a little something for yourself. >You check through Zecora’s hut. You check every shelf, and every counter, but there is no food. I’m going to go find some fruit. >“Are you sure that’s a good idea. The forest isn’t very safe. If you go to far.” Don’t worry; Zecora told me plenty about this place. What’s the worst that can happen? >Pinkie begins walking with you to the door, but you stop her. Wait here. The last thing I need is your chattering attracting a space bear or something. >You exit the hut and begin walking cautiously looking for food. >You only take what you know isn’t poisonous; apples, mulberries, and juneberries. >You don’t even take anything to the hut, you just eat where you are. >As you eat from the juneberry bush, Pinkie soon gallops over. I thought I said to stay at the hut. >She has a look of fear on her face. >“Anon! What do you think you’re doing!?” Is there something wrong? >You stuff your face with more berries. >“Those are poisonous!” *Gulp*…I think we may have a problem. >Meanwhile at the library. >“COME ON TWILIGHT! I’ve been standing outside for thirty minutes, and I’m getting tired of carrying this stuff. At least let me wait inside." >“No. You are BANNED from the library", says Twilight. >She gives a sigh. >“I’m getting tired of waiting.” >Berry Punch passes by hearing the argument. >“Are you looking for Anon?” >Back in the forest., You’re vomiting your contents into a bush. BLARGHGHGHHGH!...*cough cough*…What was that? >“‘Hatter’s fruit’; I have no clue what it does, but it isn’t good. Anon, we need to get to the hut. Zecora’ll have a cure.” She has at least fifty vials there; we’ll have no clue what to take without Zecora. >“Th-then I’ll find Zecora!” But you have no idea where she is. >“I’ll find her, just go to the hut and wait in case she comes home.” Okay. >In a puff of smoke Pinkie leaves, and you slowly retreat back into the hut. >Already you’re beginning to feel woozy. Things begin swirling as you decide to lay in Zecora’s bed and rest. >You lie there for at least five minutes before a familiar sound comes to your head. > Wub…WUB! Wub wub bwob bwob bwob. >Oh god. Not again! NOT THE DUBSTEP! Minty’s P.O.V. >Man this forest sure is spooky. >No wonder Anon’s hiding here, nopony in their right mind would want to come here. >Luckily, I’m not in my right mind. >Screaming suddenly comes east of where I’m standing. >“STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT!” Anon? >I run as fast as I can to his voice, only to find a strange hut. >This must be Anon’s hideout. >“IT’S NOT FAIR” >I run in and find Anon squirming on a bed. Anon what’s wrong!? >“The dubstep! Don’t you here it!?” I don’t…hear anything. >His breathing’s getting all shallow. >“Don’t lie to me. The dubstep. You can hear it! SOUNDWAVE’S back!!!” Who’s Soundwave? >Anon’s beginning to get all twitchy. ANON!? >“I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!” >He begins to violently spasm trying to get up, but I hold him down. Calm down, Anon! >He punches me in the face, but I continue my efforts keeping him down. Listen to me Anon. >“Make the music stop. MAKE IT STOP!” LISTEN! >He finally settles down. >“Minty?” Anon. Tell me what’s going on. >“Can…can I please have some water?” Pinkie’s P.O.V. >I scamper as fast as I can through town, trying to find out where Zecora is. HAS ANYPONY SEEN ZECORA? >No answer. EXCUSE ME? DOES ANYPONY KNOW WHERE ZECORA IS!? >Nopony knows. >I run to the top of a flagpole and pull out a megaphone. ZECOOOOOORAAA!? ZECOOOOOORAAA!? >Zecora finally shows up. >“Well good evening Pinkie my dear. Why exactly do you need me here?” >I slide down and pull Zecora into an alley so we can talk in private. Anon ate some Hatter’s fruit. He’s in your hut and we need the cure. >Caramel walks over. >G: “Is something wrong Zecora?” >She nuzzles his nose. >“I have to go. Come with me Pinkie, there’s a cure that I know.” >Zecora runs off, and I follow her from behind. Are you actually dating somepony!? Minty’s P.O.V. >Anon’s having trouble breathing, his hallucinations are getting worse. The music’s gotten louder, and he’s seeing all sorts of crazy things. He barely recognizes my face, but he does understand my voice. Is the Gak still here? Through his deep breaths, he tells me, >“It’s everywhere.” *sigh* It’s funny, all I wanted to do was spend my Hearts and Hooves Day with you; and you end up dying. >I pull out the crochet Anon I made from my bag, and plop it onto Anon’s chest. Do you have any idea what you’re looking at? >“What? I… He examined it the best he can, but his only answer is, >“Gyro bowl?” *sigh* No Anon. >He twitches a little. >“I’m sorry.” I’m not mad. >After a sudden spasm, the doll falls to the floor. >Anon begins clutching his chest a bit as his movements get greater. Anon? >I put my ear to his chest, and my eyes widen as I realize how fast his heart is beating. >“Minty?” I take my head off and look to Anon’s eyes. >“I’m really sorry. I should’ve dealt with my problems.” >His body begins to spasm violently and I fall of the bed. By the time I’m back up, Anon’s completely stopped moving. Anon!? >I hesitate, not wanting to accept the possibility, but I finally put my ear back to his chest. >His heart has completely stopped. ANON! >Tears begin to slowly roll down my face as I violently push Anon’s chest trying to make his heart start beating again. DON’T DIE ON ME ANON! DON’T DIE! >The doors suddenly burst open and Pinkie and Zecora rush in. >“Go get the cure", she screams. >I see Zecora run by to a shelf and Pinkie runs into the room. >“Get off of Anon!” >She tries to push me back, but I kick her away. I NEED TO START HIS HEART! >Pinkie gasps in shock and stops. >I continue my efforts to give him a pulse. >I try, and I try, until finally his heart starts to beat. Thank you Celestia. >It’s weak at first, but slowly begins to pick up its pace. >I give a breath of comfort and finally get off. >Zecora walks in with a green elixir in her mouth, and begins to pour it down his throat. What now? >“All we can do at this point is wait. Hopefully we were not too late.” >We stand and wait for what feels like forever, but Anon slowly begins to cough as he comes too. >“What happened?” >Oh Celestia, here comes the water works. >I jump back onto Anon and hug him as tight as I can. I’m so happy, I’m so happy, I’m so happy! >His arms slowly start to move into an embrace. >“Thank you for watching over me Minty…You can let go now. Oh uh, sorry. Hehehe. >I hop to the ground, pick up my doll, and spit it back to Anon. Do you like it? >He once again takes a look at the doll and the many details I put into it. >“This is really cute.” I squee in delight and give Anon another hug. The others quickly join in happy that he's alive. >Having Anon die would be the biggest disaster my life could face, and now I can happily say it’s been averted. THIS IS THE BEST HEARTS AND HOOVES DAY EVER! “…I almost died today.”