>It's cold. >First thing that comes to mind as you struggle with opening your eyes. >The next thing to take your attention is rather the fact that you can't move. >Oh and also YOU CAN'T BREATH! >Giving a soundless shout with no air you hear something, but that doesn't matter as the thing holding you down starts to give in your mad flailing. >Your lungs burn with the lack of air as your strength begins to weaken. >Feeling the thing holding you down start to give grants you a rush of strength as you break free! >Thrusting a hand into the air, you crawl digging talons into the hard packed ice and snow that made your tomb. >Coughing as air rushes in your mouth you hack and wheeze as winds howl past you prone form. >Shaking from the close call you squint your eyes looking out around you, good thing too else you would have been blinded by the sun reflecting back into your eyes from the snow all around. >It's only when you look over the hole that was your 'sleeping place' did you notice a few things. >First your skin is covered in scales of a white blue coloration. >Second your as big as your freaking truck that you drove to get to school. >Finally that last nail to go into the coffin was that it looked like you were in Antarctica yet it felt like a mild summer day to you. "What. The. Fuck." >Cracking the joints in your hands, paws, talons? Fuck it hands it is, you look around you trying to see if there might be a way to orient yourself. >It's only when you look towards the east do you see something different amongst the endless plains of white. >A glimmering dome of blue much like your own scales. "Not a five star hotel, but better than nothing." >Working out how to actually walk on four legs was a challenge at first, but thinking of walking as if you were crawling on your hands and knees greatly helped. >So began you journey across the tundra as winds battered at your form leaving behind you tomb. >Behind you while you continued your walk, a shadowy tendril crawled out from within the snow, "Mine..." >As you continue to walk you keep your eyes on the dome ahead of you only covering your face with a win- >Wait what. >Looking over the new appendage as you walked made you trip over yourself landing face first into the snow. "FUCK!" >Rearing back in pain you hiss as you sit down bringing a hand to your tongue coming away with a bit of spit, blue blood and more spit. >Whining under your breath you flick your hand claws scrapped clean by the snow as your tongue burns in distress. "Punderpul..." >Not one to mope you look over your wings again flexing your back trying to figure out how to move them. >It's like moving an extra pair of arms you never realized you had until now, though its awkward when you start to walk again as your wings mimic the motion of walking by extending in synch with your arms. >Realizing you look quite silly as no self respecting dragon, that you know of at least, would walk in such a manner you set about practicing how to walk properly. >Which would explain why you didn't notice running into a small horse wrapped in a scarf and mask. >Easily bowling over the small white horse, you blink in surprise as you look back to see it sprawled out with a few pink horses around its head. >Leaning down for a closer look cautious as you remembered horses being very skittish creatures you peel back the mask that someone had put on the poor thing you get a brief glimpse of a muzzle with a two toned blue mane when it suddenly neighs in your face rolling away! >The next thing you know it's surrounded itself in a pink bubble of energy projected from, is that a horn? >"State your purpose hear Dragon!" >D-did that horse just talk? >Taking your silence for an insult the horse steps closer horn sparking dangerously. >"Answer the question dragon!" "Trpin to geth to the dome thingy. You?" >Stamping a hoof on the snow the white horse narrows his, it sounds like a guy at least, eyes at you, "You won't be terrorizing my city Dragon, so take your business else where!" "Yourth cithy? Who died and made you king?" >Letting his shield drop the horse lowers his horn at you as it builds up in lumonisity, "I said begone! You are not wanted here!" >Rolling your eyes at the over dramatic flair of the horse you hold your hands up peacefully. "Alrighth, Alrighth, I geth ith, racisth to dragons I understandth." >Shocked the horse pauses and looks at you with a small glimmer of hurt in his eyes, "What I'm not racist!" "Your sending me all alone, out in the cold by myselfth with no suppliesth justh because I'm a dragon! Howsth that not racist?" >"Your kind pillages and loots other's kingdoms for jewe-" "Oh so now iths your 'kind' now? Thaths greath, awethome nice to know how you really thinkth abouth me!" >"Thats not what I me- DUCK!" >Being an idiot you decide to turn around and look for the duck he had mentioned only to get cold cocked by a blast of pink laser. >Falling to the ground with a grunt you moan looking around to see where that punk went only to notice something rather important. >It's much darker than it was before, the white horse is trying to say something and there is a bunch of sickly looking shadows with green eyes with a purple tint behind them that glare at you with glee. >Twirling a extension of the shadows sink into the ground and a jagged black crystal forms itself out of the ice and snow to swipe at you! >"Mine!" >Rolling away from the edge you come back to your feet near the white horse that had finished blasting more of the smoke. "Yeah, nope!" >Turning to the white horse you promptly pick him up much to his distress and begin to channel your inner mexican making for the border. >"Put me down!" "Do you want to fight that," Darting an eye back to look you see the shadow and smoke chasing after you enlarge as a partial head of a unicorn can be seen, "Whatever the fuck that Is!?" >"It's my job so yes!" >wat >White horse has a death wish obviously. "Neat, in the meantime stop squirming!" >"If your too much of a coward to fight then let me go and fly off!" >Oh this fucking horse just called you out on your mancard, dragon card, whatever your pride. >Digging your heels into the snow you skid near at the top of the hill before the dome. >Dumping the horse onto his belly with a thud you point a finger-claw at the horse. "First thing, don't call me a coward." >Turning to see the shadows swell up as the chase nears it's end you swallow down your fear. "And don't think your doing this alone." >"What?! No you idiot dragon get away don't yo-" >Whatever white horse was going to say is a moot point as the darkness overcomes you both. >Hoping that your draconic body had a better battle cry than your old one you let out a roar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_LFKNghYi8 [Embed] >For a moment the shadows seem to be blasted back from the force of your roar and you grin toothily as you plunge you claws into the shadows. >The slip away like water through your hands before curling around your wrists like black chains that tug you down. >Roaring in anger you wrench them free only for more shadow chains to erupt around you slowing you down. >Feeling weak your eyes widen as you realize that the shadow must have some type of draining effect on you. >Whipping about in a frenzy you continue to break the chains trying to find the source of this madness, the eyes must be the source. >It's your best bet as you try to find it, only you see a brief flash of pink which you head over towards. >A chain snags your foot tripping you down as you flail your wings to counter gravity only for more chains to bind you down. >Helpless you try to break free feeling weaker and weaker as your vision starts to grow dim among all the shadows. >Suddenly pink light everywhere! >No seriously this much pink is already making your manhood shrink. >Do you still have your junk? >Not the time as the white horse is over your head panting heavily and looks more than a bit scuffed up. >"Get up! We have to make for the shield!" >Checking your wrists you see they are free! >Quickly getting up rubbing the ache away you look around the bubble of pink that creaks and groans under the constant barrage of blows upon it. "Where is it?!" >"Back tha-nngh!" >A powerful blow hits the shield as cracks start to appear around it. >Squinting you can make out the eyes that dance mirthfully as they watch you both struggle, yet looking further past them you can see a hint of blue! >Checking your back you remember your wings and then get an idea. >Reaching over you pick the horse up again. >"Wh-Not this again!" "No time to explain just tuck and roll!" >"WhaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" >Curling the horse into your arms you pitch back leg kicking up high into the sky as you fast ball that horse towards the dancing eyes. "Bubble Horse Fastball Special!" >Your suddenly yanked off your feet as the shield around you catches you along for the ride as you both go flying through the smoke zipping inbetween the eyes which split apart to avoid being hit by the flying gerbil ball. >Flipping the bird at the eyes you grin while the horse screams loudly as it flies through the air. >Up ahead is the blue of the dome as you start to descend towards it at break neck speed! >Reaching up towards the horse arms struggling from the amount of force you used to toss him in the first place you quickly yank on his tail. >A strangled croak emits from his mouth as you pull hard on that tail pulling yourself up around him and break out your wings wide. >Jesus Christ! >No wonder they make air breaks out of metal! >Your wings spread out to their fullest extent bones creaking alarmingly and the membrane pulled taunt as your destination passes by you both. >The shield drops and the tempature gets unseasonably warmer now as you step into what looks like a meadow area with a city further ahead. >Not that that matters at the moment as your still plummeting fast to the ground now with a still screaming horse in your arms. >Gritting your teeth you tilt your wings to the side and start into a spiral as you can't figure out how to flap the damn things they seemed to have locked into position on you! >Circling around like a bird of prey you drop lower and lower towards the ground before you coast to a stop skidding on your feet as you try to stop only to catch on another fucking rock! >Sprawling you hit the dirt harder than you intended and tuck the horse closer to your belly as you ride out the landing. >A plume of dust raises up into the air once you stop and you crane your neck dirt falling off the scales of your neck. "You alright?" >The stallion coughes heavily amongst all the dust and grime from the battle before giving you a glare breathing heavily, whether from terror, the battle or some combination of both your not sure. >"You...are...the most...idiotic...dragon...in the history...of Equestria." "Gotta admit that I made one hella entrance though." >Groaning the stallion lets hide head flop down on your stomach muttering to himself. >You don't really care at the moment as your exhausted and let your head fall back, the rest becomes dark as you pass out.