“Icy! I don't get what the big deal is.” Flamesplitter blushed as her boyfriend pulled her into his lab. “I just need a little more data on this. C'mon, please?” The half dragon, half stallion pointed to his chalkboard in glee. “I'm just a few tests away from cracking the code to make potions and tonics that would affect dragons and even us. Think of the medical marvel it could be to heal both ponies and dragons with the same tonics.”

Flamespitter huffed as she crossed her arms. “I still don't see why we have to do this...” She glanced at the crude drawing of her in the corner of the chalkboard. Her lean frame had been blown out of proportion with flab all over her body. “Flamey, please. If this is going to work, you have to be bigger. The weight difference is the only thing holding me back.”

“So just make something to force the weight on me!” Flamespitter begged as she pointed to Icy's workbench. “Brew up something with all your chemicals.” Icy shook his head and sighed. “No way can I do that. I don't have a recipe for it and even if I did, it would hamper the trials.” Icy picked up the pamphlet on the table and handed it to Flamespitter.

“We have to do this the old fashioned way. You'll have to eat yourself to the proper size.” Flamespitter looked at the advertisement. “But...but...I don't even like seafood! I don't wanna...” An all you can eat seafood buffet had opened nearby, boasting fresh catches and great food. “Flamey, please? You're the only one I can count on.”

Icy blushed as he grabbed Flamespitter's hands. “Besides...I...um...” He sighed and looked her in the eyes. “I think you would look...good.” Flame blushed harder as Icy bit his lip. “Really good...downright sexy.” Flamespitter could feel her heart pounding in her chest as her boyfriend gave her a warm smile. “If not for my research, for me? I'll help you lose the weight, I swear.”

Flamespitter did her best to calm down. She struggled to keep her head on straight as Icy wrapped her up in a tight hug. “Eep!” She moaned as he gently kissed her forehead. “F..fine! I'll do it, but you better be ready to help me lose the weight!” Icy cheered, forcing them both into a little spin. “You wont regret it. Just wear something light and loose, okay? Tonight is gonna be a feast.”

A loose, orange top and a stretchy pair of gray shorts were Flamespitter's choice for buffet night. Icy was all smiles as he lead her to the restaurant. “Hi there. Can I get a table for one?” The hostess gave an inquisitive look as she watched the duo draconies walk in. “Who is eating tonight? If you only order one plate and we catch you sneaking food, you WILL be thrown out.”

“She'll be eating. Don't have to worry about me.” Icy grinned as he paid for the meal. Flamespitter took a seat nearby and sighed as she looked at the lineup. Oysters, sushi, fried fish, calamari, fish tacos, even shrimp lined the buffet bins. Icy rushed off and grabbed a pitcher of soda just for her. “You'll probably need this. I'll get you the best food, don't worry.”

Icy was a blue blur, rushing off as he poured the contents of every bin onto a plate. Everypony watched in awe as his quick hands pushed dozens of plates worth of food onto the table. It was all stacked as high as could be as Flamesplitter's eyes widened in awe. “You expect me to eat all this? No way!”

“You promised. Don't worry, it's all tasty.” Icy cooed as he put another plate on the table. “You go ahead and start. I'm gonna go see if they have anything in the back.” Flamespitter blushed as he kissed her on the cheek and ran off. She looked back at the table and picked up the closest thing in front of her.

A small shrimp danced between her fingers as Flamesplitter hesitated. “I gotta trust Icy...” She pushed the shrimp into her mouth and began to chew, eyes widening as the savory morsel danced on her tongue. “Ohh...that's really good. Maybe this IS a good idea.” Flamespitter grabbed a few in her hands and popped them into her mouth, smiling as she swallowed them all.

“These are REALLY good!” Flamespitter moaned again as she began grabbing handfuls of shrimp. She put herself at a decent pace, shoveling the meal into her mouth. Her throat began to bulge out at how many she was chewing at once. Flamespitter licked her lips and cooed as she popped the last shrimp into her mouth.

“Hey, baby. How's it going?”  Icy smiled as he spotted the empty plate. “Told ya it was good.” He winked as a plate with raw fish and cooked lobster was put onto the table. “It was! I wouldn't mind a bit more, actually.” Flamespitter blushed as she tapped her fingers together. “No problem, Flamey. Keep it up.”

The sushi was next, slipping into her mouth with ease. Flamespitter smiled as she grabbed two or three at a time and crammed them into her mouth. “Oh my gosh, I've been missing out. Seafood is tasty!” Her empty plates were stacked on top of each other as the demolished sushi was happily sloshing about in her tummy.

Flamespitter looked down and shrugged. “I'm not even fat yet. I dunno what I was so worried about.” The yellow dracony shrugged as she looked over the raw fish. “Really? It's not even cooked.” Flamespitter grabbed a fish from the top of the pile and watched as it flopped through the air, limp and lifeless. “Here goes...” She shoved the fish into her mouth and gulped, eyes widening as she swallowed it whole.

“Ohhhh. That's new.” Flamespitter cooed as she grabbed another fish. With almost practiced skill, another fish disappeared down her throat. “Wow...I had no idea I could do that.” Her stomach was slightly rounded as two whole fish bounced around in her gut. Flamespitter smiled as she continued her rapid pace eating, not minding that her tummy was finally bloating out with every gulp.

The plate of fish was finished, leaving Flamespitter satisfied. She reached down and gave her belly a pat, blushing as she felt her rounded tummy. “Ah! This wasn't here before...” Flamespitter blushed as she gave her belly a small jiggle. “It feels so good...” Flamespitter moaned as an incredible hunger rose from the depth of her gut. “I wonder what else I can eat whole.”

Onlookers watched as the chubby dracony was swallowing clams whole. Her stomach bloated out even bigger at it was forced to accept even more food. Dumplings and french fries were next on the list but not even three plates of each could quench the mighty hunger. Flamespitter sighed as she leaned back against her chair, ignoring the creak as she shifted her weight.

“Lobster? I always heard they were tasty.” A waterfall of melted butter was slathered on each one as Flamespitter swallowed them up. Her full stomach was gurgling and churning on overtime, sending every bite to her body as a soft layer of flab. She licked her lips and moaned as she felt herself grow with every greedy gulp. Icy watched from the back as his girlfriend continued to mindlessly eat.

“Oh gosh...look at her go.” He blushed as he rushed out another platter to her. “Check it out, Flamey. They caught a huge octopus!” Icy gasped as Flamespitter shoveled the massive cephalopod into her mouth. She slurped up the tentacles like they were limp noodles, her throat bulging out as she swallowed it up. Her stomach jiggled and bounced as it landed inside her chubby tummy all while she continued to expand. Icy picked up his jaw from the floor before running back to the buffet line, desperate to find more food on the empty racks.

Flamespitter's loose clothing was tight on her body as she continued to eat. The one flowing top was stretched to its limits as her growing breasts struggled to break free. Her stretchy shorts were tearing all over, the elastic of the waistband ruined as the seams began to fail. The starved mare was oblivious to it all as she continued to eat seconds and thirds of everything Icy presented her.

The staff were unable to keep up. Even as unicorns plucked fish out of the ocean with their magic, Icy was there to snatch them up. Soon, the last plate of shrimp and fish tacos were sitting in front of Flamespitter. She tipped the two plates towards her mouth at once, swallowing it all with one gigantic gulp.

Her chair and her clothing admitted defeat from the unyielding force of gluttony. Flamespitter was finally knocked out of her trance as her plush, soft rump slapped against the ground. Her belly and tits went boucing against each other, tearing her clothing to shreds. Flamespitter sat on the ground, confused, as she tried to pull the remains of the chair from under her booty.

“I love you so much right now...” Icy blurted out. Flamespitter blushed as he dove towards her, sinking his hands into her doughy tummy. “I told you it was gonna be awesome.” He cooed, kissing her tummy and moaning as her softness enveloped him. “Want some dessert?” He teased as he poked Flamespitter in her navel.

“Um....yes? Is...is there any food left?” Flamespitter attempted to ease herself up but found herself too weak to do so. “Oh gosh....I'm massive!” Flamespitter's head went scarlet as a massive wave of embarrassment overtook her. “Icy...I can't get up...” No matter how much Flamespitter tried to get to her feet, she found herself weak and helpless to the layers and layers of blubber covering her body.

“Buffets always have a little ice cream machine. C'mon, we'll find it.” Icy grunted as he struggled to help his girlfriend to her feet. “Ah, there it is.” He smirked, leading Flamespitter right to it. “Pour me a cup, sweetie.” She begged as Icy shook his head. “Not enough. Stick your head under the spout.”

Flamespitter blushed as she did so, opening her mouth as wide as she could. Icy didn't hesitate and yanked on the lever. Cool, tasty ice cream flooed Flamespitter's mouth, urging her to swallow as quickly as she could. Her stomach resumed the endless bloat as the greedy dracony kickstarted another binge.

“Oh no you don't! You've cleaned us out of everything. Get out of here, you fat cow!” Flamespitter swallowed the ice cream in her mouth and smirked. “Don't you forget it!” She covered her mouth and gasped as Icy giggled. “Did...did i really just say that?” Icy smiled as he helped her back into a standing position. “Yes you did. You're my sexy little cow. Let's go home.”

The trip home was slow and tedious. Flamespitter's incredible weight made it hard for her to move. Her exposed condition left the duo rushing into back alleys and struggling to hide as Flamespitter's massive gut, huge bust and doughy rear refused to be clothed any longer. The poor mare was completely nude as they walked into their home.

“Oh gosh....that was so hard.” Flamespitter whined as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. “Lets get you into bed. I'm so proud of you, baby.” Icy's hands never left Flamespitter's body since they had been kicked out. His advances had grown bolder as soon as the door closed behind them. Naughty hands were squeezing her belly, fondling her rear and even getting a pinch of her soft, sexy tits.

“Hey, hold up.” Flamespitter asked as they stopped in front of a full body mirror. Icy helped her into a stable position as the obese mare stared at herself. She watched every jiggle of her body and bit her lip as Icy's hands resumed their fondling. A cute, chubby face, thick, sexy hips, tits to die for and a booty that could crush a chair. It all looked so foreign to Flamespitter but Icy's hands cemented her confidence.

The cocky dracony lifted her arms behind her head, smiling as her huge tits bounced and slapped against her belly. “Oh yea... I don't regret this at all!” Icy smiled as he gave her a massive hug. “Told ya. Now, why don't we conduct some experiements?” He giggled as he helped his sexy, jiggly girlfriend into bed.