>Day Derpy squared in Equestria. >Stepping up to the counter, you let out a heavy sigh as Pinkie flashes you a grin. >”Aw, what's got you down Derpnon?” >Trying to meet her gaze, you end up looking at her and the wall. “Dammit Pinkie, you know that isn't my name...” >The pink mare frowns, placing a hoof on your shoulder. >”I'm sorry Nonny. You have to admit, it is pretty coincidental that your eyes are just like Derpy's.” “Just because we have the same disorder doesn't mean we're similar. I wish you ponies would recognize that already.” >A stallion from across the room stands up and walks to you. >”What do you mean YOU ponies?” >Furrowing your brow, you glare at the stallion while your free eye is looking at the roof. “Just that. Every pony here has treated me like that mare and I are attached to the hip or something since the first day I got here! You all won't even take me seriously when I tell you she's stalking me!” >The stallion is fighting back a fit of laughter. >The sight of a cross eyed monkey lecturing him must be hilarious. >Pinkie slaps your back and lets out a giggle. >”Oh Nonny! See, THAT is one of the reasons we call you Derpnon. Derpy is harmless, she couldn't hurt a fly. Saying she could stalk a person is such a derp thing to do!” >Brushing her hoof off, you stand and grumble as you leave. >Making your way across the market, you get the uneasy feeling you're being watched. >While looking around, you bump into Fluttershy. >”Oomph! Oh, I-I'm sorry.” >The mare hides behind her mane, wings trying to pull themselves closer to her body. >You let out a sigh and rub the back of your neck. “No, it was my fault. Sorry Shy.” >She gives you a small smile and walks away. >Seeing the adorable mare happy causes you to smile as well. >”Aw, that was so sweet Anon!” >Your smile disappears as fast as it formed. >Grimacing, you look to see Derpy standing next to you. >Also, a fruit stand. “What do you want Derpy?” >The mare blushes and rubs her hoof. >She steps closer and looks up at you with one eye. >”I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight. Maybe we could catch a movie?” >Casting your good eye in the direction of the library, you start to walk away. >The mare follows you and continues her one sided conversation. >”M-Maybe not a movie. Bowling? Dinner? Dancing? A walk by the lake? … A hot fuck?” >Her last statement causes you to stop and motion as if you are about to throw up. “EXCUSE ME?!” >She stammers, trying to work on damage control. >”I-I said maybe a pot! ... luck?” >Groaning, you continue heading to the library. “Listen Derpy, I don't have time to deal with you today. Just buzz off.” >She frowns, ears drooping as her wings start to buzz. >”O-Okay. See you later?” >As she flies off, you mutter under your breath. “Not if I'm lucky.” >Knocking on the library's door, Spike answers it and looks up to you. >”Hey Anon, what's up?” >You can't tell if he's making a joke that one of your eyes is staring upwards right now or not. “Not much. Is Twilight home?” “STOP! STOP!” >Twilight stops her spell, letting you catch your breath as you grab your stomach. >”Did it work?” >Blinking a few times, you look around. >No change, still can't get your eyes to focus on the same area. “No...” >The mare sighs and pats your back before helping you to your feet. >”How many spells has that been Anon?” “I don't know. Forty something?” >”Why do you put yourself through this?” >Taking a deep breath, you let yourself fully recover before answering. “Because I'm sick of this shit. Everypony, and possibly Spike, think I'm a joke. Derpy has a crush on me that's gotten to the point where she is stalking me. Plus, everypony is pushing me to be with her! Imagine it, imagine having to put up with that.” >The mare sighs, bringing you in for a hug. >”Anon, you know that's not how it is. Just because some people think you two should date and that you are goofy just because of your eyes, doesn't mean EVERY pony thinks it.” >”I don't think you're a joke Anon...” >Spike is standing by the stairs, his expression shows he is a bit hurt. “Thanks Spike, could never tell with you.” >Sighing, your rub your eyes. >One of them just happens to glance by the clock, showing it's already late. “I should get going.” >”Anon, wait.” >Giving Twilight the focus of one of your eyes, she looks like she wants to ask a tough question. >”Tell me, why do you think Derpy is stalking you? Because if it has to do with you seeing her all over the place, she IS a mailmare after all.” “A couple weeks ago I received an -anonymous- letter. Inside was a very disturbing poem. I can't remember it exactly, but it went a little something like this; 'Anon, my cross species love. I am always watching you. As you watch the skies, I hope you can see me watching back down to you. Forever yours, your secret admirer'. Don't get me wrong, I had a hunch she was following me long before that. The letter just solidified it.” >Twilight giggles, trying to brush off the situation. >”Oh Anon, this might just be one big misunderstanding. The letter could have been from any Pegasus. Even if Derpy was the admirer, she could have just mis-worded it. I mean, she is a pretty awkward mare.” “It had a strange scent on it, not like flowers or sweets. Try not to think too hard.” >Her small smile formed from her giggle quickly changes into a look of disgust. >”Anon, that still doesn't prove it's Derpy... but it does prove that someone has a very disturbing infatuation with you.” “Maybe... but considering eve- I mean, a lot of mare's here think I am a joke, odds are in favor of Derpy.” >Twilight frowns, an obvious air of disappointment hanging around her. >”You are too harsh on her Anon. Derpy is a sweet mare, I doubt she would be unstable enough to coat a letter in THAT and send it to you.” >Letting off another sigh, you accept the fact you won't be able to convince Twilight that Derpy is stalking you. “All right, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.” >The mare shakes her head, following you as you begin to head down the stairs. >”Listen Anon, if you get any more letters like that, send them to me. If they're -fresh- enough, I can track whoever sent it.” “You can do that?” >Spike opens the door for you. >”Yes, but it has to be recently touched. Maybe an hour or two is all I'd have to work with.” >As you step out, you give your friend a hug before getting ready to walk the moon lit streets. “Got it. If I get another one, I'll come straight to you. Same time tomorrow?” >”Same time tomorrow. See you Anon, stay safe.” “Always.” >The door to the library closes as you start to make your way home. >Looking around with your mixed vision shows that most of the town is either in bed or busy. >The streets are dead with nary a sound from pony, animal, or insect. >It's creepy as hell, making you take faster steps home. >The moment you reach your front door, you swing it open. >*CRASH* >Groaning, you start to come to. >Your hand and legs are tied to a chair. >Looking around, you growl out. “This isn't funny Derpy!” >”Derpy... all you ever talk about is her.” >That wasn't Derpy. >You try to see who it is that did this to you, but the room is too dark save for some candle's. >After a moment, a familiar yellow Pegasus trots next to one of the candles. “Fluttershy?” >”Yes Anon, Fluttershy. I'm sad that you assumed I was Derpy, Anon. Why do you always think of her first?” >You try to free yourself, knowing that there is no possible way this can end well. “Considering she is stalking me, I just assumed.” >The yellow mare scoffs, walking next to you and rubbing her head against your crotch. >”Please, she only comes up to you once or twice a day. The rest of the time that foolish mare is working. I make sure you are safe aaall day Anon, even if you don't notice me.” >She coos and looks up into your eyes. >One of which is fixated on your door at the opposite side of the room. “Fluttershy, what are you going to do?” >She giggles, rubbing her nose into your crotch. >”You got to smell my scent, it's only fair I got some of yours~” >She takes a deep whiff then grunts. >Giggling, she steps back and takes deep breaths from the air behind her. "..." >"Ehehe, t-too much of a good thing, right?" >She walks over to your lamp, eyes going half lidded. "Fluttershy, what are you doing?" >"Hee, nothing baby~" >She starts to bump and grind against the lamp pole. >You have to admit, she has a pretty nice ass. >Just as she is about to spin, she pulls the lamp forward and breaks it. "That was a forty bit lamp..." >She covers her mouth and gives you a very funny looking smile. >"I-I can replace it." >She cleans up after herself, then proceeds to walk back next to you. "Are you done failing to seduce me now?" >"... You know what? I'm just going to wing it." >You look at her, a brow raised. >The mare flutters her wings a bit, giving you the same bedroom eyes as before. >She starts to trace her wings over your crotch, hoping to induce a boner. >The feeling is more a of tickle really. >R-really strong tickle. >H-hee. "P-Pffft! AHAH! F-FLU_FLUTTERHSY S-STAHAHAP!" >She giggles at your laughter. >"That feel good Anon?~" >You laughter stops as a sudden banging comes from your door. >After a few more bangs, your front door comes crashing down. >The PPD come rushing in, water guns fixated on Fluttershy. >”Oy! Step away from the man and get on the ground!” >Without a second thought, she yelps and does so. >The cops step next to you and untie you. >”Boy-o, you all right?” “Yeah, I'm okay. How did you know I was in trouble.” >”Some young filly with strange yellah eyes say ye get bonkered and dragged in here. That was about twelve minutes ago.” >Derpy saved you? >As the cops lead Fluttershy away, you follow them outside. >”W-Wait officers! This is one big misunderstanding! I-I was just showing Anon some love!” >”Tell it to the judge, ye creepy fuck bucket.” >As they drag the mare away, Derpy comes walking next to you. >”A-Are you okay Anon?” “Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to you.” >She blushes and kicks some dirt up. >”It was nothing.” “Derpy, why did you help me?” >She cocks her head, a confused look on her face. “All I've done is treat you like a bag of manure and you saved my ass. Why?” >She giggles, flying up and bringing a hoof to -boop- your nose. >”Because I like you silly. Because you are a nice guy and you don't put up with the ponies comments. I-I admire you. I wish I could yell at the stallions and mares who make fun of me because of my eyes...” >Rubbing the back of your head, you feel your cheeks get hot. “Sorry for... you know, treating you like shit.” >”It's okay. Make it up to me? Maybe that movie I mentioned earlier?” “Yeah. Sure, Derpy.” >As one eye catches Derpy's smile, the other notices a falling star. >She gasps and pushes your leg. >”Ooh! Oooh! Make a wish!” >She actually saw it too. >Huh, maybe having crossed eyes isn't so bad after all. >Day You knew this was coming in Equestria. >Sighing, you adjust your tie. >It's been a couple months since your now marefriend Derpy went to go see her parents. >You would have gone with, but you know. >Can't into cloud walking. >Derpy sent a letter to you the other day saying she was coming back and she had big news. >You figure she wants to introduce you to her parents. >As you finish getting ready, a knocking is heard at your door. >With a smile, you go to answer it. “Hey Derp-...” >Derpy is in front of you, alone, with a noticeable baby sized bump on her stomach. >”I-I just don't know what went wrong.” >Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck OH FUCK OH FUCK OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCK. >Due to a stress overload, you faint. >Derpy rubs her hoof, looking over you. >"A-Are you excited too?" >You're going to be a daddy, all because you didn't use protection when you were >Fucking Derpy.