>Been a long fucking week in Equestria >Between farm work and the “normal” grind in magic horsey land you are pretty much knackered >which would be fine a certain yellow Pegasus with an unhealthy fascination with you cock didn’t redouble her rape attempts…. “ah well…” >you are nursing an apple cider at one of Pinkies spontaneous parities >you can’t really be bothered to mingle at this point in time so you just sit there with your memories of the past week… >at this point its getting hard to think of a fetish she hasn’t tried to get into your pants with… >Bondage, S&M, pegging, vore… >you take a swig of cider >weak as shit, but damn it’s refreshing >you grimace >then there were some of the odder fetishes… > tentacles, scat… giantess …. >you shutter >…unbirthing…. >you finish your drink >you’re glad Zecora started throwing shit at the yellow lunatic every time she saw her >you laugh at the thought, only one problem however… >you’re not even tipsy >well fuck >you set off trough the happy ponies and silly music to find out find Applejack >putting your hand in your pocket you locate your precious last bits >You’re sure she’ll be happy to be getting your hard earned money back >but after the week you had you are getting pissed and that’s that! >Where is that orange Jew? >normally she would jump at the chance to take your money off you for some special requests >you make your way through the crowd >you make it to about the middle of the dancer floor when suddenly the lights dim >oh no >the music slows >you don’t like where this is going…. >the ponies form a circle around you…and >her… >your tormentor stands timidly at the edge of the circle >she smiles >you don’t >the rest of the main six flank her, encouraging her >she pussyfoots her way up to you >she extends and hoof Just as the music gets extra sappy >”M-my I have this dance…if that’s okay with you…” >the ponies look at you with expecting eyes >the main six look so proud of the little sex offender >Well fuck, she sure put you on the spot… >you look at the Fluttershy, >her gentle smile, her petty frame… >you sigh >maybe it’s the tiny about of alcohol in your blood… >you take a deep breath and say “No, Fuck off Fluttershy.” >you can partially feel the air being drawn from your lungs as the room of pastel colours ponies gasps >”AWWW COME ON!!!” >you hear a Rainbow yell from the side-lines >Fluttershy whimpers… >”So romantic moments aren’t your fetish…?” >well your mad now >she put you on the spot; made you both look like dicks to try to find your fucking fetish? >all because she still hasn’t got the message!? >well, we mustn’t let the poor mare dwell in ignorance “No Fluttershy it isn’t and you know what else isn’t my fetish?” >She hinds behind her hair while shaking her head “YOU!” >She cowers even further “I tried to be nice, honestly I did, but really what’s a man to take?” >she tries to retreat but you follow her step by step “But really the events of the last week have taught me one thing, not only do I not find you or anything you do in anyway sexually attractive…” >she trips and falls on her backside looking you in the eye “I Don’t like you!” >the crowd is silent “Do I make myself clear?” >she just looks at you for a moment >the she sniffs, unable to stop herself crying >she dashes past you, sobbing all the way >…fuck… >maybe you over done it? >you the feel the glares upon you >yeah, may have over done it. >The rest of the party follows Fluttershy in droves >awww fuck “Hey..wait” >”You didn’t have to be such a jerk” >Rainbow says fluttering past you >”Really Anon, to act so beastly….” >Agrees Rarity >”Not cool Anon” >chines in a walking Pinkie, never a good sigh >”yeh can forget that order yeh put it mister” >awww fuck >”I am very disappointed in you Anon.” >the room soon empties and with a slam of the door your alone >wait a minute… “AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SAW THE GAINT YELLOW MARE TRING TO SHOVE ME INTO HER VIGAIN ON THRUDAY!!!” >you only hear your echo in response >way to go Anon, you single handily ruined the party and pissed of practically ever soul in Ponyville, not bad for a nights work >Fuck, looks like it’s a early night then… >wait >whose fucking house is this? >Well if you thought last week was rough… >Rarity is giving you the silent treatment >Rainbow looks like she ready to deck you every time you she her >you’d swear AJ is making problems to get maximum pain for the same money >and Pinkie… >well your glad she has too short a attention span to hold a grudge … >Still gotta keep your eyes peeled though… >At the very least Twilights interest in the earth trumps how pissed off at you she is at you >but at the very least Fluttershy has stopped coming around >in fact you haven’t seen her all week >well you can worry about that later, it’s been exactly one week since the party and you don’t want to encourage her to become Flutterape again… >besides its your morning appointment with twilight and you what you should worry about is avoiding angry blue fast >Thankfully you get to the library without any airstrikes >”who is it” >you hear Twilight call from upstairs “Just me” >”oh” >well that was rather flat and dejected… >okay you may have been a little harsh but really >She emerges from her room and trots down stairs with a brisk pace >”Well let’s get this over with” >well shit, guess there not going to be any snacks….again. - >Twilight asks you a steady stream of questions and you answer them to the extent of knowledge allows while she scribbles down notes on pieces of parchment >sometime this makes you feel like a sage, other times it like spoon feeding a child >of course sometimes it makes you feel like an idiot >such is life in the zone >but today Twilight is still hitting home the message that you’re an asshole >taking every opportunity to let you know she’s mad at you >”Okay break time.” >she stops taking notes >you stare at each other for a long while >”I think you really ought to apologise to Fluttershy.” >Well this was a long time coming “Look Twi, I know I was out of line-“ >”you can say that again” interrupts a purple dragon wearing a frilly apron on his way to some chores… >you ignore him “but honestly she drove me half mad with all that…stuff she got up to, I don’t want her getting the idea that’s it okay for her to get up to that sort of thing.” >”Shes just being friendly Anon, I honestly don’t see why you get so worked up about it.” >you frown “You honestly didn’t see the 15 foot Fluttershy?” >“well….” “Okay let me put it this way, what if I were to go around trying to guess Fluttershy’s fetish when she clearly didn’t me doing that?” >”well that’s different” Different how? >”Well just….just because!” >The purple mare puts own an awkward smile at her own lame explanation >you sigh >you are getting nowhere >the sooner you say sorry the sooner life can return to normal >you can deal with a little attempted rape as long as everp0ny else doesn’t want you dead >but honestly… >these mares need to check their privilege. >Right >you place a plate of snacks next to the jug of icy juice on the table >Go meet Flutters, say you’re sorry, come back here, try to get through you don’t like her in THAT way and everyone come out smelling of roses. >yeah right >before this day is done you’ll be washing the smell of mare musk out of your clothes…again >well, no time like the present >you head through town >ignoring the glares as you go. - >you finally reach Fluttershy’s cottage >okay, knock the door >no response >you knock again >silence >you sigh ”Fluttershy, it’s me.” >still nothing >”I would like to say I am sorry for what I did, was uncalled for…” >…. ”Fluttershy…I just want to talk, please come to the door” >you hear movement inside the house >success >you steps approaching the door >and a lock unbolting >and a door opening ”Hi Flu- >There before you stands Fluttershy >but now with a thick layer of fat covering her once frail frame… >she speaks from being her hair >”Hello Anon…” “H-hi” >God, the public rejection must have been too much for her >for the looks of it she has done nothing the past week put eat confront food >”I would like to say I am sorry for how I treaded you….I didn’t think it made you feel so bad…” >God that little chubby face looks so cute behind her hair…wait what? “N-no…I should be the one….apologising I mean….” >what the hell is wrong with you? >But Anon!” >she suddenly looks straight up at you, the movement causes a lightly jiggle to ripple through her body >you begin to feel a familiar sensation >”How sad I made you and how long!” >the way here flesh ripples…its nice… >No, get a grip man… >”Just so you know I’ll never bother about fetishes again” >She smiles “That’s….that’s nice Futtershy” >you place a sweaty pam on her head “I-it’s okay.” >it sinks into her warm soft flesh >her skin creasing yours like a warm blanket >your pants suddenly become tight >shit! >you shy away from her >trying to hide your bulge >”Anon…are you okay…you look flustered.” >shitshitshitshitshitshitshit! >”are you sic- “SICK! Yes, I have a fever, bad bad head cold! Gotta get home! Sorry Fulttershy, see you later!” >you run away from the cottage as fast as your legs can carry you >not even brother to hide your erection from the townsfolk as you run home >As soon as you get home you slam your door behind you. >what the fuck was that shit!? >you look down at your cock, still rock hard >shit, guess she found your fetish…guess YOU found your fetish! >god, just the sight of that plumb body…just to- >NO! >your no horse fucker! >”Hey! Hey Anon “ >you hand instinctually goes to your dick >”Mind polishing me off mate?” >The image of Fluttershy presenting, her think, round ass pops into your mind… >… >maybe one or to shakes… >NO! Slippery slope Anon! >Slippery fucking slope! >you rush to your table and grab the jug of juice, still a few ice cubes floating around the surface >You begin to pour the cold water on you defiant dick “Die monster, you don’t belong in this world…” >as you go flaccid you swear you hear your dick swearing vengeance >”You haven’t seen the last of me!” >you sigh >god damn… >this is going to be an even longer fucking week….