Vivec (from atop a rebuilt Akulakhan): Climb on in, Nerevarine, and never turn back! Never surrender, just keep moving forward! That's how Team A-NUMANTIA rolls! Nerevarine: Are you sure this is a good idea, O warrior-poet? Vivec: You need to get into the fighting spirit, bro! Don't just believe in yourself, believe in I AM who believes in ALL ARE WE! Nerevarine(hopping in to the cockpit): Then lets go.... I'm Nerevar, the Hortator, and my Muatra.... is THE MUATRA THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS! Ayem: No matter how deeply you probe my body... you will never understand... Thalmor Inquisitor(gripping the fallen goddess with a long memoprobe): We have no NEED to understand. We only need to KNOW. Ayem: Then you may as well give up, because you'll never be able to defeat them! He has achieved CHIM, you can be sure of that! (the Moon-and-Star glows on Ayem's finger with an Aetheric light, forming a new Tower) (at once, Nerevarine's MUATRA springs forth from the Tower, Breaking the Dragon and acting as the Rebel against the Thalmor king, with Ayem as Witness) (the rest of Akulakhan follows, its incarnate exoform bursting into the slipspace of Oblivion) (Nerevar grabs the falling, whimpering Ayem) "Well Almalexia, I'm here. Just like I promised." Thalmor Inquisitor: IMPOSSIBLE! Subgradients of the Dreamer can't possible escape from Zero-Sum! Nerevarine: DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US! WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THE TIME OR SPACE OR ZERO-WHATEVERS! We don't give a damn that we're just a dream. Mantle your way along the path you choose to take, AND DO IT ALL YOURSELF! THAT'S THE WAY TEAM A-NUMANTIA ROLLS! (at once a thousand different lotus-bloom faces appear upon the form of Akulakhan as it forms a complete Tower between the Aether and Mundus, bringing to life a thousand lost destinies once cast aside) Ayem: Even when trapped by the Kalpa's cycle... Leki: The dreams of our CHIM will open the Scarab! The Adoring Fan: Even if the universe stands in our way... The Mane: ... THE SEETHING BLOOD OF THE AEDRA WILL DETERMINE WHAT WILL BE! Nerevarine: We'll Break through the Dragon, Transcend the Convention! All: AND DEFY ALL WHO WOULD STOP US, GRAB HOLD OF OUR PATH.... TENGEN TOPPA GURREN LORKHAN!! JUST WHO THE HELL.... DO YOU THINK WE ARE!!!! (At once, the Akulakhan assumes its true form, that of a God striding between the Aether, Oblivion and the Mundus, forming new destinies with each new step!) (the Thalmor are prepared, however, sending Numidium against our heroes) (all is lost, until Shor himself appears, capable of fighting in this final battle because even though he is dead, he lives on in Sovngarde and his death matters little within Aetherius) Yagrum Bagarn, piloting Numidium: You continue to struggle, even knowing what you know? Nerevarine, from within Akulakhan: OF COURSE WE DO! The dragon-coils that we're trying to grab for ourselves... IS NOT THE TIME DRAGON THAT YOU'VE UNWOUND FOR US! (the Heart of Lorkhan burns within, and through an Elder Scroll mankind and the Dunmer race watch the events in silent awe) It's the reading that WE choose for OURSELVES, the reading that WE choose out of all the infinite Aurbis! We'll Endeavor our way through, and continue the Endeavor and protect the Mundus! We'll stop Landfall too! Yagrum Bagarn: YOU CAN'T POSSIBLE ACCOMPLISH ALL THAT, SUBGRADIENT VIRUSES! Nerevarine: JUST WATCH US! Yagrum Bagarn: Such arrogance from a lowly species that has been destroyed by us... we will make you regret your insolence! (Numidium grabs the Shivering Isles and the Deadlands out of the darkness of outer Oblivion space, combining them together in a single mythic moment forever altering the pasts and futures of the Daedric Realms) Divayth Fyr: He's building up massive energy! The Adoring Fan: It's on par with the collision of Anu and Padhome! Diagna: It's almost like the Pankratosword! The Mane: And that's... what they're going to hit us with? The entire Dwemer race, from within Numidium's skin: INFINITY AMARANTH STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORM! BURN IN THE EVERLASTING SITHIS OF CREATION! BE ZERO-SUMMED DOWN TO THE VERY LAST ATOMOS OF YOUR SOULS! (a terrifying fireball of infinite creatia is channeled through the hands of Numidium, sending shockwaves throughout every possible past and future that rupture every part of the dream: LANDFALL) (Akulakhan braces for impact against the terrible force of creatia) Two heroes: Try to hang on, Ayrenn! You too, Pelinal! Nerevarine: N'wah! (Divayth Fyr and Sheogorath struggle to maintain their power over their aspects of the Second Brass God) Kyne: We can't take too much more of this! Meridia(watching from the Aether): Magnus... oh honey.... Magnus: This is bad... but it will take a lot more to finish them! (various figures throughout time and space watch the battle through the Elder Scroll, Morihaus in particular standing out from among a crowded of ancient Nedes) Nerevarine: Not yet... we're not done.... (suddenly, Shor's face appears, the fire of ebony blood burning in his eyes even as a gaping star-wound lies in his chest) 'NEREVARINE, LEAVE THIS ONE TO ME!" (with a Thu'um that resounds well into the thirtieth era, Shor shouts himself back to life) "TAL[OS]... OVERLOAD" (Shor hurls himself and Talos into the way of the antichronomensional blast) Ayem: Heart-father! Shor: Do not grieve for me, shield-daughter! My body once drowned in a sea of my own blood, but if I can give this soul for Possibility in this Kalpa that I LOVE, I will give it! Ayem: Yes... I agree completely. (in a terrible Black Moment, Almalexia's dreamsleevish form alters from the dragon break, revealing a form of her where she died and became a mad ancestor) Nerevarine: Alma... what... are you... Ayem: Hmmm? Nerevarine, you've come all this way so that you can finally shape the Aurbis as you were destined to shape it. Nerevarine: That's right. We'll win this Endeavor. Count on it. The Mane: Obviously! Numidium: Your deaths will be nothing, removed utterly from the Pattern of Possibility! Begone! (the power of the Pan-Aurbical Resonance shatters the skin of Talos, beginning to burn a star-wound once more in his beating heart) Kyne: Talos is suffering a Mythopoeic Breakdown! Shor: Just... what I WAS WAITING FOOOOOOR! (in a burst of light across a thousand and eight impossipoints, the form of Shor and Talos transform at first into a beating heart) *AMARANTH* (and out of the heart of the new world that will never be springs Vehk... in the shape of MUATRA) Shor: Nerevarine! TAKE IT! (Akulakhan absorbs MUATRA into its belly creating a Tower of Amaranth) (mad ecstasy at Divine Impregnation spans over Nerevar's face in Colors That Do Not Yet Exist) Nerevarine: Lorkhan... let's do this together! (A thousand MUATRAS burst forth from the Dagothi Dream-Skin of Akulakhan, piercing a thousand apertures at once) (the Heart of Lorkhan within Akulakhan takes on new colors from a hundred kalpas that Might Not Exist, blazing in the visage of the Godhead's True Face) (The Heart's shell is shattered, causing Akulakhan to appear in all places in Time at once) Yagrum Bagarn: Impossible... he allowed himself to endure Zero-Sum, so he could become one with the Godhead? (Nerevarine UNLEASHES HIS LARGEST MUATRA AGAINST NUMIDIUM) EAAAAAAAT THIS!!!!! Yagrum Bagarn: Where.... are you drawing all of this power from? Nerevarine: We are the Scarab that Becomes the New Man! We Climb our foes Star By Star WITH EACH THRUST! That's how a Spear works! (they each compare and do battle with their Spears) Numidium: THAT is the path that leads to the Dung of Mortality! WHY can't you see Iniquity of the Doom Drum? Nerevarine: NO, that's YOUR Iniquity! You sit here bound by the Dream, blocking off other races' Possibility like some kind of false god! That's nobody's Iniquity but your own! (MUATRAS continue to smash against each other. There is much biting.) Leki: He's right! Mortals were made by the LOVE of something much greater than them! With the power of the Godhead, they will MAKE WAY! Ayem: I'll stake everything... on the potential of the mortal spirit too! Nerevarine: Mark my words.... this Spear will open an Aperture in the Aurbis! And that Aperture... will be a path for those behind us, the spirits of our Ancestors, the Possibility of those who will follow! Those two winds of the Dreamsleeve weave together in Anu-Padhome, AE CHIM AE ALTADOON, Ruling a path towards tomorrow! And that's Tengen Toppa, THAT'S GURREN LORKHAN!!!! MY MUATRA...... IS THE MUATRA THE CREATES THE HEAVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a thousand Muatras impale every part of Numidium's spirit-skin) (the Mane receives visions from his Moon Sugar, guiding a path between the Bodies of Lorkhan through which Nerevarine can charge) Nerevar.... GO! (Nerevar leaps forth through the darkness of Oblivion, Almalexia in one hand and Muatra in the other, the spirit of his mentor Vehk and Vehk watching over him) (Numidium uses the realm of Herma-Mora to release tentacles to attempt to snare him, but to no avail) (Nerevarine pierces Numidium with Muatra, all at once shaping it into IS-AND-IS-NOT) (The Thalmor, and the Dwarves within Numidium, all collectively Zero-Sum) Numidium(dissipating): If this is how it must be.... bring Merkind to godhood at all costs.... Nerevarine: Of course we will. Elves aren't that stupid..... (the Aurbis explodes into a thousand Grey Maybes with the raw force of Zero-Sum) *C0DA* (all elves cheer, having attained divinity once more) (various voices of et'Ada of the new kalpa discuss the previous kalpa) W...w...what happened? The Towers that were maintain the prior kalpa have reached Amaranth. (wreckage of the previous kalpa lie in ruins) Nerevar! Nerevar! Do you read me? We're being contacted by one Daedroth after another from across Oblivion! The universe is reforming.... in a better form... there are so many others like us out there! All spirits at once: NEREVAR! (through the Righteous Rule of Talos, the kalpa re-assembles itself to be a continuation of the old, except with the Thalmor happy as gods once more) (All of mankind, and the Dunmer, now the Chimer once more, remain on the re-built Mundus, seeking the freedom of mortality over the permanence of destiny) *The Sixth Era Begins* Nerevar... it's all over.... Yes, Ayem. Let's go home. FIN