************************************************** dont want to read it, i dont like the concept, even if it may have been competent, i dont know this should be all there is to it http://archive.heinessen.com/mlp/thread/S7238662 only reason i took this request is because it happened outside of AiE ************************************************** >There was this Anon who thought Pinkie Pie could not be a virgin >Someone that friendly and so loving of 'fun things' must have surely tried sex before >And there was something undeniably sexual with her as well, maybe it was her voice, hell, maybe even her Pink color had something to do with it >Whatever it was, this Anon fella felt extremely aroused anytime she talked >She couldn't stop imaging her loud moaning as she gave into pleasure >No other ponies ever talked about sex and it was driving him crazy, it was as tough it were some sort of taboo punishable by death >But the Pink pony...yes, there was no doubt sex was no taboo for her >"Hey Annie, what choo' dooooin'?" asked the Pink ponie with her sluty little voice "Nothing important" said the Anon >He was sitting at a mushroom table, sipping from a cup of coffee, before being interrupted by her cheerful friend >"Are you coming to Rarity's birthday party?" "I already told you five times I would" >"Hehe, I know, I just wanna make sure you're coming" she said as she winked to the Anon before hoping about, inviting other ponies >Anon's cofee grew cold >He pondered every phrase, every gesture from Pinkie Pie since he met her >She hugged just everybody, but even Applejack had to notice that she hugged him a bit too much >She also kissed Anon, on the cheeks anyway. But those were long wet kisses >Anon could feel her toungue every once in a while >And she was always winking at him, just like before >And the whole "making sure you're coming"... >Yes...he was certain she was sexually active >Only imagining how many sex pals she had on her life made Anon a little sick, but thinking on her ruting like crazy aroused him >Yes, he could be his "Sex buddy", he wouldn't mind... >The night of the party finally came >Anon had only one thing on mind >And before the party were over, Anon would get into Pinkie's (methaforical) pants >What happened on the party? Anon could not remember >There was only one thing on his mind... >Pinkie was glad, Anon behave extra-friendly that day >cuddling more than usual, laughing at every joke of Pinkie, rubbing her hoof when she served punch >As the night went on, every p0ny went home, everytime on of them went, Anon smiled a little >His heart started to race, his hands started to sweat, he moistured his lips in anticipation >"Okay Darling, I think I had enough fun for today, thank you for today's party Pinkie" >"The pleasure is aaaaaaaaaall mine" >"Are you coming Anon?" "Uhmm...No, I think I'm going to stay a little longer, it's kinda early" >"I'm pretty sure Pinkie wants to rest dear..." >"It's ok, I'm not sleepy or anything" >"Well" thought Rarity "If Pinkie doesn't mind" >She left soon enough, Anon inhaled nervously "Well, it's just us..." >"Yup, just us!" said Pinkie as she smiled "..." >"Wanna play some game?" >Anon grinned "Sure...what do you have in mind?" Anon's heart raced like crazy >"Hold on, I have the crazies board-game..." "Uhh, Pinkie maybe we could...you know, try something else" >"Like what?" >Anon came close to the Pink Pony, and with a hug, he drew her nearer >"Hehe what are you doing silly?" >Anon went ahead and kissed Pinkie >A kiss that laster for a brief split second, as the pink p0ny >"Woah,w-what are you doing?" >Anon froze, he stood from the couch were they sat "I'm sorry, I thought you understood..." >"Understand what?..." >That voice again >That damn cockteasing voice of her again >Was she playing dumb because she disliked Anon? "You know pretty well what you whore..." >Pinkie dragged her body backwards, slowly >The sudden change on Anon's tone startled her faster than anything, things turned to bad pretty quick >"A-anon, what are you doing...?" >Too bad this particular Anon noticed that >His heart pounding, either for fear, hate, or maybe lust, it all seemed the same >Anon threw himself over the pony, before she could finish her shout >A muffled "HEEEL--" resounded over the room >Where were the Cakes? Why couldn't they prevent this tragic event? Why did they had to be away that particular night? >Pinkie wondered this, her mind had to distract away from the hot damp breath of the lusfull human above her >His heavy body hurt her, she could not move her extremities over the inmense height squashing her >She shook her head, her head said "No" (maybe even "PLEASE NO!") but Anon's pants, already unbottoned said "Yes yes yes!" >Anon came close to the Pink Pony, and with a hug, he drew her nearer >"Hehe what are you doing silly?" >Anon went ahead and kissed Pinkie >A kiss that lasted for a brief split second, as the pink p0ny jumped away from it >"Woah,w-what are you doing?" >Anon froze, he stood from the couch where they sat "I'm sorry, I thought you understand.." >"Understand what?..." >That voice again >That damn cockteasing voice of her again >Was she playing dumb because she disliked Anon? "You know pretty well ‘What’, you whore..." >Pinkie dragged her body backwards, slowly >The sudden change on Anon's tone startled her faster than anything else, things turned to bad pretty quick >"A-anon, what are you doing...?" >Too bad this particular Anon noticed that >His heart pounding, either for fear, hate, or maybe lust, it all seemed the same >Anon threw himself over the pony, before she could finish her shout >A muffled "HEEEL--" resounded over the room >Where were the Cakes? Why couldn't they prevent this tragic event? Why did they had to be away that particular night? >Pinkie wondered this, her mind had to stray away from the thought of the hot damp breath of the lustful human above her >His heavy body hurt her, she could not move her extremities over the immense height squashing her >She shook her head, her head said "No" (maybe even "PLEASE NO!") but Anon's pants, already unbuttoned said "Yes yes yes!" >Tears started to pour as she violently resisted to his embrace "Stop moving you whore, don't pretend you don't want it" >A rush of sharp pain ran through Anon's hand, as he felt a keen bite from the Pink Pony >Anon's body moved away from her, using the lack of weight, Pinkie jumped away from his assailant >Her hooves slipped as she attempted to escape, giving Anon a second chance to hop above her >Grabbing her legs, Pinkie Pie fell over her chin, losing her breath on the process >Now her plot was exposed in the air >Anon's mind drifted, and in the blink of an eye, he found himself a pillow that he masterfully placed over her mouth >His hand was still bleeding, the biting pain felt like a heart on it's own, yet the same thing could be said for his penis >Intimidating, rigged with swollen veins, palpitating, driping with pre-cum >Pinkie Pie kept moving, Anon found really hard to keep her submitted to the ground while looking for the place where the dick goes >With his cock sharp as a spear, Anon soon found her labia exposed >Let me tell you, Anon had a really hard time trying to get in >It was like trying to pierce a steel wall with his wank >Anon inclined all his weight into it >For a second, he feared his own dick would break over his own weight, luckily for him (and unfortunately for Pinkie) his penis pierced through her hot wet inner flesh >Pinkie shut her eyes fiercely, she yelled with all her heart, but all could be heard was "HMMMMM" which probably meant "No!" >She was tight, too tight, Anon felt his dick trapped under how narrow she was >Could it be? No, Anon could not believe it >This could not be her first time...could it? >It was, blood smeared the tip of his penis >It was too late to pullback, in more than one sense >With not a bit of Mercy, Anon thrusted his hips up and down, feeling the screaming of the Pink pony grow stronger >What point did it had her pleading for help? There was no one around >That didn't stopped her from pouring her lungs out, as Anon ripped her loins apart >The warm insides of the pony felt like heaven, as soon as he ignored the heart breaking pleas from the Pony >She kept fighting for a good while, she then ran out of breath to scream, her throat became sore, and finally she just limited herself to whimper >Ano had to stop once every while, otherwise he would cum too soon, and the sensation of being inside her made his guts feel funny >The cumulative times he had to cum blew up in one final spasmodic shake >Anon came so much inside of her that his own juices pushed his dick out of her >He felt regret, sure, but he also felt relief like never before >It had been a long time since the pillow rested away from them >Anon perceived Pinkie's sniveling >"W-why?..." she asked between whinings >Tears rolled down her face, she remained motionless on the ground >Anon pulled his pants up, buttoned his pants, walked through the door and left >One thing was for sure; she was not a virgin Anymore >Anon sighed >Turns out she was the first of her friends to lose her virginity >It seemed that the first time was a huge deal for them >Pinkie stayed indoors for days >Nobody saw her since the party >Anon patiently waited for her punishment, for the day the truth came afloat and he had to pay for his crimes >Yet that day seemed further and further >One day, Pinkie emerged from her room >She was goofy, merry, energetic; it was the same Pinkie of always >She greeted everyone, including Anon, in the same way she used to >Apparently nothing had changed >Anon started to wonder if everything was just a dream of some sort >He had to know what was happening >One afternoon, Pinkie had to close the shop, Anon offered to help and Pinkie agreed >"Thanks for the help Annie" >He was baffled >She was so calmed as if nothing ever happened. At all "Pinkie...?" >"Yup?" >"What's...the matter?" >Anon became startled as the loud noise of a saucepan hitting the ground tinkled, echoing through the kitchen, spinning over itself until it stopped completely >Pinkie Pie dropped it. She was visibly paralyzed >"Ah--ah-I don't know what you're talking about" said Pinkie, avoiding eye contact from Anon. >"I'm talking about last saturday" >Pinkie Pie started to shake, it was as though a bone-splitting cold overtook her >"Oh--uh...I d-d-don't know...did--did you liked the party" It came painfully obvious she was trying to fight the urge of crying >She slid on the ground and held her face between her hooves >"Why...why did you had to do that?" She asked bawling sadly >Anon felt a lump forming on his throat. He too felt like crying like there was no tomorrow >Anon walked next to her, kneeled down and hugged her >"can you at least tell me why did you do it? Why me?" "Because" >"Just...because?" >Anon nodded >"Did it mean anything to you" >Anon said nothing >"I just want my life back, so I figured..."said Pinkie "I won't say nothing if you don't do it again" "I won't, I swear" >Anon departed shortly after that. That Anon also named “Pale” for some reason >It was still uncomfortable to see her all happy, knowing that he did something terrible to her >Maybe that was a better punishment than anything else >While Pinkie was raped, she had to imagine she was someone else >She had to imagine she was princess Diane Pie >Having a delightful tea party with Madame Le Fleur and Sir Lancelot" >"Poor Pinkie" thought the princess Diane "To have to endure something like that" >"Oui" replied Madame Le Fleur" "It must be difficult without losing her mind" >It was a long tea party after all >The guess stayed a little longer than expected >The tea grew cold as Pinkie recovered herself from the ground >That happened to Pinkie, not to princess Diane >She had to tell herself that over and over until it eventually became true, at least for her END