>There's a loud knock at your door. >You groan as it rouses you from your sleep. >Who in their right mind is waking you up this early in the morning? >After rubbing your eyes you check the time on your clock. >12:15 PM >Well fuck. >You shake your head and stand up slowly. >Your sleep schedule has always been kind of fucked, and it seems like living in Equestria has not helped it any. >Even without the internet and video games to distract you into the dead of night you've managed to find new ways to keep yourself up. >The book you were reading lies closed on the floor next to your straw stuffed mattress. >Great, you don't even remember how far you got into it last night. >You decide to page through it later and find your place. >"Heeey, Anon! You're home right!?" >Part of you almost considers pretending to not be home when you hear its Pinkie Pie who's at your door. >It’s not that you don’t /like/ Pinkie Pie, but she’s not exactly the kind of person you want to see when you’ve just woken up. >She’s too energetic and wild, she’s really more of an “after a coffee or two” type of friend. >Although you really can’t get away with pretending that you’re not home. >You’re a lazy introvert and everybody knows it, even if you’ve only been here for a couple months. >After smoothing down your bedhead you go over to the door of your little cabin and open it. >Sure enough, there’s Pinkie, bouncing up and down as energetically as ever. >”There you aaaare! Hiya!” “Hey there Pink… What’s up?” >Pinkie giggles as she lets herself into your house. >”I’m doing good! Jeez Anon, did you just wake up or something?” >She already knows the answer, but probably can’t help but ask. “Yeah… long night.” >”I gotcha, I gotcha~!” >Pinkie takes a seat on your mattress, still grinning ear to ear. “Did you need something? Was kind of thinking about getting something to eat soon…” >”Oh! Right! I’m hosting a party tonight!” >Yeah, what else is new? >This marks what, the 14th party that Pinkie has invited you to? >She means well, but you’re just not much of a party guy. >Although, now that you think about it, she hasn’t invited you to one in a while. >Part of you had just assumed she finally took a hint. “Well, you know me, not good with crowds, hope you have fun though.” >Pinkie shakes her head as you launch your classic excuse. >”I know you don’t like parties, but this time is different!” “How so?” >She giggles a little, obviously excited by whatever she has planned. >”This time you’re being /hired/ to come!” >You blink, definitely feeling more than a little confused. “Hired?” >She nods eagerly, fishing for something and pulling out a small vial of liquid from seemingly thin air! >”Yes! I need entertainment tonight! And I thought I could involve you with it!” “I’d rather n-” >”I’ll pay you 1000 bits!” >A surprised sputter escapes your mouth as she drops the sum. “A… a thousand?!” >”You betcha! And that’s an offer I’m only giving to you!” ”And… what exactly would I be doing?” >Pinkie holds out the vial with a coy grin. >”Drink up and it’ll all be obvious!” >Something about this screams shady, but there’s a lot of money involved. >You’ve been struggling for bits ever since you’ve gotten here, so a nice lump payment of that much could keep you going until you pick up your next odd job. >So you don’t give it much more thought than that and grab the vial. >The liquid inside is a vibrant bluish color and seems to be about the same consistency of water as you slosh it around. >You uncork the vial and drink it down in one gulp. >It tastes overwhelmingly sweet as it travels down your throat, the strong taste even making you gag slightly. “Ugh… What is that stuff?” >Pinkie lets out a squeal of pure elation as she watches you. >”Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigoooosh! You drank it! Yay!” >Before you can ask her to explain further as to what you blindly ingested a strange feeling overwhelms you. >Your skin feels cold and clammy as your thin, almost invisible arm hairs begin to bleach themselves into a pure white. >Scratching at the thickening hairs tingles your nerves as your arms are riddled with goosebumps. “Um… P-Pinkie…” >She doesn’t respond though, she’s too interested in watching you to strike up conversation right now. >Your fingers begin to twitch and sting with pins and needles as the hair continues coming in. >Something tells you that you’re in for one hell of a ride. >Your hands are balled up into fists now. >The fur grows in fast, smoothing over the space between each finger as the feeling in them suddenly vanishes all together. >A soft gasp escapes your mouth as you try to manipulate your hardened hands. >More hooves than hands now really. >Even the shape is starting to round out, matching the descriptor of “hoof” even more. “P-PINKIE! WHAT THE BUCK IS THIS?!” >You hold a hoof to your mouth in surprise. >You certainly didn’t mean to say “buck”, yet it came out completely naturally. >The pink pony giggles eagerly as you marvel at the changes. >A tuft of blue hair falls into your line of sight as the strange stinging now hits your feet. >Fearing the worst you slowly walk over to the mirror hanging in your cabin. >Sure enough your hair has changed, having taken on a two different shades of blue. >The darker shade looks familiar, it’s the same color that the liquid was! >You run a hoof through the lengthened head of hair, tracing it down to a little past your shoulders. >”Looking good so far Anon!” “H-hush!” >The muscles in your legs suddenly seize up like you’ve got a cramp. >With a swear you fall flat on your ass. >As you look down, you’re given a good view of your feet as they twist into hooves themselves. >Focus does not stay on that long however, your tight muscles command much more of your attention. >Pinkie hums a little as she walks over to you. >You notice that she’s looking a little bigger than before. >In truth that probably means that you’re probably getting smaller, but either way it’s trippy to almost be on eye level with Pinkie. >”Here, let me help you a bit~!” >Pinkie bites at your now loose pants and begins to tug. >Without much effort at all the pants slide off, revealing a set of equine hind quarters. >She doesn’t miss a beat as she also pulls away your underwear, much to your shock. “H-hey! St-stop!” >A deep crimson blush flushes your face as your member is now out in the open for Pinkie to see. >She doesn’t seem very interested by it, she’s more concerned with the white fur growing all around it. >You whimper as you cover your privates with your hooves and realize just how awkward your current position is. >That’s probably thanks to your spine shifting and changing just like everything else thus far. >Noticing your physical discomfort, Pinkie leans in and pokes your nose with a hoof. >”Why don’t you try standing on all fours silly~? Or at very least stop sitting so weird!” >You roll your eyes as she reprimands you for sitting like a human, this is her damn fault anyways. >It’s shaky at first as you try to stand, your balance feels all off skew. >After a bit though you’re on your hooves and no longer shaking. >As much as you hate to admit it, standing on all fours is more comfortable. >Now you’re roughly eye to eye with Pinkie as she gawks at you. >”You’re so close to being done! Look at how nice your coat is~!” >She giggles as she rubs your fuzzy face, even that now seemingly hardly human. >That however quickly changes as the stinging sensation hits your face. >You wrinkle your nose a little as it feels like something is tugging at your mouth and pulling it outwards like clay. >Within moments your mouth and nose have formed a small equine muzzle. >You run your tongue over your flat teeth, teeth obviously designed to not even consider biting into meat. >This isn’t too big of a loss, you haven’t eaten meat since you’ve gotten here. >However, you can feel the stirrings of an actual substantial loss in the making. >Your crotch feels inflamed and irritated, that same prickly feeling now in a place it most definitely does not belong. >Morbid curiosity compels you to sit back down, this time in a more fitting stance for your body, and take a peek. >Sure enough your member is shrinking, practically receding into your body. >”Woah… that looks weird!” >You open your mouth to reprimand Pinkie but only a soft, somewhat girlish moan escapes it. >Each moment another bit of your member disappears, somehow heightening this strange sense of pleasure and arousal you did not ask for. >Pinkie giggles, leaving you to this strange change as she walks off to do something. >Almost in tandem with your cock pushing in a long tail pulls out from behind you. >The gradual pushes go centimeter by centimeter as you begin to pant heavily. >Squirming and writhing in your spot, it takes as much self control as you can muster to not start touching yourself. >Your new, somewhat floppy ears twitch about as you groan and moan helplessly on the floor. >Then, with a slight popping sound, it’s gone. >You slowly look down, finding a simple slit and a pair of small teats above it. “Bucking Tartarus…” >Pinkie strolls back over once you’ve managed to calm down. >She holds up a hand mirror, or rather hoof mirror, to your face. >”Lucky you, you’re a unicorn and everything!” >You stare at your reflection, your hoof instantly prodding at the new horn on your face. >From the coloration alone you know exactly who you are, but what Pinkie does next simply solidifies it. >”Almost forgot, I bought these earlier, I thought they’d suit you!” >You flinch a little as she slides a large pair of purple sunglasses with black frames over your face. “...Why am I Vinyl Scratch?” >Pinkie blinks, lowering the mirror. >”Hey, that’s a good name idea! I honestly had no idea what to call you!” >You cock your head in confusion before thinking for a moment. >When you wound up here, it was towards the beginning of the show’s canon. >Ponies were mentioning that “between Twilight Sparkle and you this town is sure getting more lively!” and the Nightmare Moon incident was still fresh in everypony’s memory. >Not to mention that you haven’t seen Discord yet. >Didn’t Vinyl only show up like once or twice in the early days of the show? >And if Pinkie doesn’t know who Vinyl is… “What exactly was your plan with all of this?” >Pinke smiles as she reaches over and gives you a hug. >”You’ve just seemed so out of place and lonely ever since you got here! So I called in a few favors! Not only does it come with a whole new body, you’re also now a talented-” “Musician?” >Pinkie pauses for a moment, a little surprised you picked up on that so quickly. >”Actually, yeah! Huh, guess that’s those instincts are already kicking in!” “Yeah… instincts…” >”Look, if you don’t like it, I can probably have a reversal potion made for you, but could you pleaaase try it out for the night? I’ll still pay you and everything!” >Part of you wants to jump right onto reversal potion idea. >You didn’t ask to be a pony, you didn’t ask to be a female, you didn’t ask for any of this. >But, at the same time, money is still on the table. >That and it gives you something else to do tonight besides reading through books you’ve borrowed from the library. “I guess it couldn’t hurt, but I don’t really have any music equipme-” >You stop talking as you look around your room. >It’s smaller now, properly sized for a pony. >It’s kind of sparse like before, but now you’ve got turntables and records and such neatly put up and ready for use. “...Just how potent of a potion was this?” >Pinkie shrugs as she lets go of you and looks around. >”I dunno, but I think I got my money’s worth!” >Now you really don’t have an excuse to not give it a shot. “I guess you can spread the word now that DJ Pon-3 is making her world debut…” >Pinkie gasps softly, “DJ Pon-3? Oh that’s perfect! You are on the ball with names today Anon, I mean, Vinyl Scratch!” “Just the first thing that came to mind really…”