Dark figures chasing me, their claws grapsing the ground right at my heels as I desperately crawl away.  My legs being brutally pulled off.  A pair of car headlights set in mist.  What I remember of my father's face becoming horridly contorted. It doesn't matter which nightmare it was this time.  I don't even want to recall it.  But it's there, lingering in my mind, even after I force myself to sit up in my bed. This isn't good.  I can't sleep.  Besides, if I could, the nightmares would just come back.  Even now, they whisper to me from the back of my head. In situations like these, running becomes my only resort, if it's not far too early to hit the track.  I take a look at the clock.  Almost four in the morning.  Too early to go running.  If I did, and someone saw me, they'd probably think I've lost control of my life. Still, I should just go running anyway.  Just sitting here alone in the dark thinking about the nightmares is almost as bad as directly experiencing them, and it's not like I have anyone else to console me at this time. ...or do I?  There is Rin, more than likely deep asleep in the room just next to mine. Still feeling sullen from the nightmare, I give her door a knock.  "Rin... are you in there?"  I call out as firmly as I can without breaking the silence of the dark hall. To my surprise, the door opens only a few seconds later.  The bright light coming from past the doorway nearly blinds me, and I narrow my eyelids in response.  Rin is standing before me, clad in nothing but the panties and bra I left her in when I helped her undress before going to bed, and a towel draped across her shoulders and over her chest, partially covered in a staccato of paint splotches.  Doesn't take a genius to guess what she's been up to. "Hello Emi," Rin says to me in her usual neutral manner. It's clear that she's not going to ask why I'm here, so I just come out with it.  "Rin, can I sleep with you tonight?  I had a really bad dream." Rin looks me over as she steps aside.  "Yeah.  I don't see why not.  But why can't you sleep in your own bed?" I walk in and shut the door behind me.  "Thanks, Rin.  I just didn't want to sit there alone."  I attempt to do away with my sullen face and give her a smile. "I don't mind bad dreams," Rin pipes without paying much attention to my expression, "actually, I think I like them.  Can be fun.  But I don't get many bad dreams."  Her eyes cast over me.  "How bad could it have been?" "Pretty bad.  Can we... just not talk about it?" Rin's lips flatten to a crease, and she looks to the side, then back at me.  "Yeah."  With that, she sits down and returns to her painting, the same one as the other day, the abstract portrait of me.  It looks like it's almost done, and she says as much. I observe her room, as I had done previously.  It's still as messy as ever, and most any object that's supposedly meant to be a part of the room looks out of place, as well. Does that coatrack next to her bed have a tophat on top of it?  Since when has Rin even worn hats? I put the wonders of Rin's living space aside, and sit down on the edge of her bed.  "Mind if I watch?  It looks like you've really been taking your time with it." Rin shrugs.  "Time is taken, no matter what you do.  There was this day, I thought, what if I did absolutely nothing?  Would time stop?  So I tried it, for a whole day.  Didn't work out." I think to suppress my giggle, but let it out anyway, Rin's aloof presence easing me into a state of comfort. "But then," she continues, "I remembered that I was breathing all that time, and that's not nothing, so no wonder it didn't work.  I guess it's impossible to do after all." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't end up falling asleep, favoring conversing with Rin instead.  After an hour or so, the tears on my cheeks have dried, and I'm absorbed in conversing with Rin and observing her careful, definitive brush strokes. "And then, the donkey says, 'yes!'" she states with a single silent laugh.  I burst out at a higher volume, giggling like a child. "That's too much!"  I wipe a tear of laughter from my eye.  "Never saw that coming." "Yeah, told you I knew some good ones."  Rin smiles and looks over to me, dropping her brush straight to the floor.  "I'm done." "With what?  The painting?"  I give it a look.  It's similar to before, but with a lot of detail filling in the empty spaces now.  I can't really make out what any of it is, but as far as I know paintings, I guess I'd call it 'done'. "Yeah."  Rin gets up, and with a brisk toss of her shoulders, lets the towel fall to the floor, exposing her thin body.  She sits on her bed next to me as she lets out a sigh of exhaustion. "It looks really great, Rin.  You're amazing.  But you don't have to stay up like this just to paint." "I had some thoughts and I wanted to paint them so I did.  I take the ideas as they come.  If I just fall asleep then tomorrow's a new day and there might be a new idea, although even if there's not,  I might forget about the other one.  Even if it was good."  Rin follows my eyes to the direction of the painting, and then looks back at me.  "You're awake too." I nod at her, affirming her point.  "Well, tomorr-er, today is Sunday, so I guess it's okay." "Yeah."  Rin turns towards me, then expertly swings her legs over my head, to place them behind where I'm sitting as she lays down.  "Sleeping should be fine too, then." "Actually, I might..."  I observe Rin as she lets out a yawn.  I'm thinking about going to the track for my run, but it looks like Rin's decided on an early morning nap.  Her eyes are still open, pointed to the blank ceiling.  She's breathing slow, deep, comfortable breaths, evident enough with the leisurely rising and falling of her chest.  The rest of her body is more or less like I've seen it before, topped off with whatever excess paint missed her towel.  She really is a beautiful sight.  Almost like a painting, herself, in this state. "Hey," Rin pipes suddenly, "why do you stare at me all the time?"  I'm shocked by her observance of the situation.  "Nobody's ever looked at me as much as you do." "Well I..." I think for a moment about what I want to say.  "I've gotten used to doing that, after the time we've spent together.  You remember how you said you liked my body?  I feel the same about you."  I blush a little as she nods and sets her eyes at me.  "And about that... what did you mean by it, exactly?" "It means I like your body," Rin answers with a shrug.  "I mean, it looks nice.  And it's like it'd be soft and smooth like silk if I touch it." "Really?"  I chuckle, becoming increasingly embarrassed, yet flattered, by her comments.  "Exercise is good for the skin, among other things.  So I guess it pays off."  I notice Rin's eyes wandering, now taking in the sight of me in a manner similar to what I was doing to her minutes ago.  I give her a daring look.  "So you think I'd feel soft?  Wanna try?" Rin nods.  "Sure.  I'd like that." I scoot back, then remove my prosthetics, as I might as well have done earlier anyway.  I turn towards her, lifting a leg.  "Go ahead." Rin positions herself directly in front of me, looking somewhat lacking of space on this bed meant for one person.  Because of this, or maybe by her own choice, she touches the sole of her foot against my inner thigh.  I shudder at the sudden close contact.  I've touched Rin in this area every day, but from the other side, the sensation is very different.  It feels unmistakeably rough, yet smoother towards the center.  She's rubbing her foot up and down. "Wow, you're right, it is smooth.  Really smooth," she says with a curious tone, continuing to stroke. My face is red, my body is beginning to heat up.  Memories of my 'incident' on the track come back to mind.  I suddenly feel very much the same way as then.  And this time, Rin is right in front of me, marveling at the feeling of my skin. The only question is, what do I do now?  Do I make my desires clear? No, I need to forget about questioning myself.  I need to be more sure.  I need to move forward.  Even if I tried to stop now, I wouldn't be able to quell these feelings rising inside me. I pull back, then lunge forward, landing against Rin, our chests bumping together.  I look her in the eyes.  She's looking back at me, her face in a state of shock until it calms down only a second later. "What are you doing?"  Rin asks. This is silly, isn't it? Maybe Rin doesn't want to open up like this to me.  Maybe she's just not in the mood. I press my entire upper body against hers.  "Does it still feel smooth?" This time, it's Rin's turn to blush.  It's the first time I've seen her face like this.  I might be able to break her after all.  "Like silk.  Warm." "You too, Rin." Alright.  Come on, Emi, just one more step. Rin suddenly fidgets under me.  Her right shoulder bumps against the coatrack, sending the tophat falling to the floor.  "Oh no," Rin sighs, watching the hat as it drops. She's off-guard.  Time to strike. I tilt my head to the side, pressing my lips against hers.  Rin's attention turns back to me immediately. In an amazing feat of strength, Rin's legs shoot up under me, nearly lifting me into the air and sending me crashing to the floor beside the bed. After recovering from having the wind taken out of me, I look up to see Rin peeking over the edge of the bed. "You kissed me, Emi." "Yeah... oww... why'd you do that, though?" "Umm..."  Rin thinks for a bit.  "I didn't know what happened.  That was a surprise.  You should've told me.  I wasn't ready for that." "Oh... alright."  I manage to crawl my way back up onto the bed, and sit next to Rin, who sits up as well.  My passionate feeling is now an awkward dreariness.  I'm not sure what exactly Rin thought about my sudden move.  Luckily, she answers before I ask. "Emi.  Kiss me again." "Huh?" "I'm ready this time.  You can kiss me now, if you want."  She scoots close to me, her eyes looking at me with expectation. I take a gulp, and then smile at her.  "Is it okay?  Well, alright, Rin." The kiss is much longer this time.  Rin's lips even move in response, though clumsily.  It seems like she's never kissed anyone before.  Her lips are probing and pushing haphazardly around my own.  I like this feeling.  Her inexperience is, oddly enough, a turn-on to me. After a lasting period of time, our lips part. "Tastes sweet."  She says, then her head suddenly turns to the side.  "Can you help me put that hat back up?  I don't want to step on it." "Later," I answer, keeping my face in front of hers.  I decide against another surprise move and ask her directly, "do you wanna try something else first?"